Unveiling the Force of Love: Where Divine Eros and Human Passion Intersect
Are you ready to challenge the boundaries of conventional spirituality? Unveiling the Force of Love: Where Divine Eros and Human Passion Intersect invites you to explore a radical notion—that the very desires and passions you’ve been taught to suppress could be the keys to unlocking a life imbued with divine love. It’s time to shatter the myth that spirituality and earthly desires are at odds and discover how the force of love can illuminate every facet of your existence.

The Power of Divine Eros: The Illuminating Force of Love in Everyday Life
What do desire and passion have to do with the spiritual life? According to A. H. Almaas and Karen Johnson, they are essential. Most spiritual teachings assume that desire, wanting, and passion oppose the spiritual path. The concern is that engaging in desire will take you more into the world, the mundane, and the physical and egoic life. And for most people, that is exactly what happens. We naturally tend to experience wanting in a self-centered way. The Power of Passion explores how to be passionate and feel a strong desire without that desire conflicting with selfless love. It also shows how relationships with others are an important part of the human journey–an opportunity to express oneself authentically and be present with someone else. By understanding the energy of eros, we can learn to be fully real and alive in all our interactions.
1: Eros
2: Two Loves
3: Two Worlds
4: One Desire
5: Personal Relationships
6: The Relational Field
7: Sexual Love
8: Desire for Union
9: Magnetic Love
10: Sexy Angel
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“Any spiritual work involves the element of love, whether explicitly or implicitly. We want to explore how the energy and quality of love explicitly open the door to reality and our deeper nature. The portal is there for everyone to open; we can be fully real and alive in all our interactions. The erotic, as it is felt and experienced in the body, is a part of that openness, whether it becomes sexual or not. For many reasons, eros has become separated from the pure and the holy, and as a result, it is usually relegated to the domain of the gross and unrefined. But eros is the energy of the divine. As such, it is always divine and pure.”

Through guided exercises, readers are invited to connect to the pure energy behind their desire. When we fully experience our wanting and trust that the wanting has the intelligence to reveal the pure energy of desire that underlies it, we get a taste of what it’s like to feel love and desire as a unified force. Being in the world in a way that does not separate us from spirit while also feeling the pleasure of our energy, our erotic nature, our aliveness, and love makes life complete. The authors say we want to experience our humanness, but we don’t want to divide ourselves to do it. We want to know more about both the spiritual and the worldly reality and how the two interrelate because they are naturally a part of what it means to be human.
Divine eros is the force of love that propels us to realize our deepest spiritual potential while living life to the fullest. The Power of Divine Eros illuminates how desire and passion can impel us to know the truth of who we are, beyond all ideas and conditioning. When we allow the fire of eros to burn away limiting beliefs and histories, it magnetically draws us into intimate communion with our essential nature. The force of eros is revealed as not opposed to spiritual work, but rather a catalyst for embodying spirit’s fullness as a human being. By understanding divine eros, we learn to free the force of love to serve our flowering into maturity, wisdom, and freedom.

Our spiritual path need not renounce eros, but rather embrace it as an expression of our inherent creative dynamism. The authors show us how to welcome the energetic power of desire, so it can fuel recognition of our true nature. Our longing then magnetizes us to dissolve in union with the divine, until lover and Beloved disappear into one. This is the force of love – where giving and receiving become one act. When heart and body embody this force, spirit infuses daily living with exquisite intimacy. We become vessels of nourishing love-energy that heals and transforms ourselves and the world. Divine eros is a guide for enlivening spirit’s presence throughout life.