Human Being

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while. If we think the truth is like a movie that we go to every other week, we’re never going to be real human beings. We’re going to live on the fringes of reality. If that’s how you choose to live, that’s fine. It’s nobody’s business to push you to be anything, but if you want to live a life of truth, you’re going to have to do something about it. No teacher, no school, no teaching can do it for you. The teachings simply indicate the way. For instance, studying engineering at school is not enough to make you an engineer. You’ve got to actually go out and be an engineer. You don’t become an engineer by having experiences in school. Likewise, you can’t become a human being by having experiences. You’ve got to actually integrate what you learn into your life. – Diamond Heart Book Five: Inexhaustible Mystery, ch.8

The human being is nothing but the manifestation of the heart of God. So if there were no love we would not exist. Love is that basic. The heart is that basic. All that you see is a manifestation of love. When you actually, finally, let yourself see it, you see that you are a particularization of loving energy. Your atoms are made out of love. Your body is made out of love. Your mind is made out of love. Your surroundings are made out of love. Everything is made out of love. If there were no love, you would see nothing. Beyond love there is just God. Out of that love that manifests from the God state, or from the supreme reality, emerge all of the particularizations. We are the final fruit of that particularization, and because we are the final fruit, we have the microcosmic heart that reflects the universal heart. – Diamond Heart Book Four: Indestructible Innocence, ch. 11

The wisdom traditions have recognized that a human being is mature and complete—that is, fully human—when the soul has integrated her essential nature fully and harmonized it with her animal potential. In other words, the struggle between the angelic and animal is characteristic of half-grown human beings, of incomplete human beings. This happens to be the station of the vast majority of humanity, but the complete human being, the being who is fully human, is one who has fully realized and integrated the two sides of the soul’s potential. The fully human being retains animal instincts, for instance, but these instincts are integrated into a perspective of selflessness and compassion. Even though the wisdom traditions have understood this and developed ways and methods for accomplishing it, the paths are so steep and difficult that many involved in these traditions settle for an unbalanced development that usually involves suppressing and splitting off the animal side. The rest of humanity continues the struggle, balanced on the side of the animal, which is the path of least resistance. – The Inner Journey Home: Soul’s Realization of the Unity of Reality, Ch. 10

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