How the Diamond Approach Transforms Your Life
A Path of Inner Discovery, Personal Growth & Spiritual Adventure
- What is it that drives/motivates human beings?
- When we go deeper than surface pursuits for pleasure, purpose, validation, and security – what is the dynamism at the core of a human being?
How often do we say – Get real, I’m being real and such? The impulse to be real and authentic is part of this primal dynamism in the human spirit. The Diamond Approach is based on a methodology of open and open-ended inquiry into our desire to be real.
Here’s the deal –
The Diamond Approach is a means and a way to explore who and what you are.
Wouldn’t you agree that we are more than our history, patterns, and ruts?
When you reflect on your life, is it a dynamic process constantly moving toward more knowledge, awareness, and life? Or is it boring, different day, same old stuff? Even if it is, do you feel a desire for it to be more – to break out of the box and get real?

Inner discovery includes growth and understanding in:
- Emotional Experience and Range
- Psychological Development and Psychodynamic Expansion
- Identity and Functioning
- Spiritual and Mystical Experience
- The Human Body as an Organ of Perception and Experience
Each person’s journey is unique. As a result, the Diamond Approach’s journey of discovery is not so much about getting to a predefined destination as it is about getting deeper into yourself, increasing self-knowing, getting more real and authentic, and living life without the distortions of the past and conditioning.
Every day brings new insights and opportunities to be in the world from a fresher perspective. Your life naturally evolves into deeper, more expansive, inclusive, and more subtle levels of awareness, consciousness, and understanding.
What’s the real story?
The nature of our consciousness is more powerful, wondrous, and exciting than we can imagine. We have forgotten resources that can serve us in all areas of our lives – practical and creative.
Some of these resources the Diamond Approach refers to as Essential Qualities. When we begin to experience our true nature, we discover that Essence has many different elemental qualities or essential aspects. The Diamond Approach helps us to understand how these aspects are related to conventional experience in the world and how they can optimize our lives.
Life becomes a creative process of discovery and curiosity into immediate experience.
As the dynamism takes the soul into new realms, our Being reveals many pure qualities, which I have called essential aspects. It displays the quality of Love, the quality of Clarity, the quality of Strength, the quality of Peace, the quality of Truth, the quality of Contentment, the quality of Spaciousness, the quality of Existence, the quality of Passion, and so on. These qualities are elements from the beyond, from the unseen world, and our conventional wisdom cannot fathom them, can’t really see or discern their meaning, function, or usefulness. A. H. Almaas, Spacecruiser Inquiry: True Guidance for the Inner Journey
What do you know about personality and ego?
Above all, the Diamond Approach uniquely understands the connection and interplay between personality and true personhood. Personal essence leads to greater actualization of one’s potential.
One becomes more creative, productive, original, and fulfilled in personal involvements. Confidence in one’s capacities develops, along with a certainty about who or what one is.
Personality is not something to be eliminated. It is simply full of fear because it does not know its true nature. The personality needs to be completely and thoroughly understood and cherished. Only with that compassionate, accepting, objective love is it possible to understand the true reality of the personality. A. H. Almaas, Diamond Heart Book Four: Indestructible Innocence

Bottom Line?
The Diamond Approach is a spiritual path in that it assists us in discovering and exploring our deepest nature – who and what we truly are, beyond our history and familiar self.
Throughout history, human beings have felt the need for intentional, focused work and guidance, to be able to advance beyond the average human development known in most societies. Much of our human potential lies in realms not accessible or even visible to normal consciousness. This is specifically the case for humanity’s spiritual potential, which is the ground of human consciousness and the source of true and lasting fulfillment, peace, and liberation. This situation has led to the arising and development of many teaching schools throughout the ages, inner work schools that specialize in the development of the total human being—particularly the actualization of the depth of human potential. Such a spiritual school is usually built on a teaching that emerges from a specific logos—a direct understanding of reality and the situation of human beings within that reality. Through the teaching, the logos reveals a path toward the actualization of our human potential. The methodology of the path also reflects the wisdom arising from this direct understanding. It is not just a haphazard collection of techniques aimed at helping students to arrive at certain inner states. The methodology will be successful in unfolding the path when it is a faithful expression of the particular logos of that teaching. You could say that practicing the methodology of a teaching is the specific key needed to open the door of this teaching’s logos of experience and wisdom. A. H. Almaas, Spacecruiser Inquiry: True Guidance for the Inner Journey
Are you intrigued yet? The Diamond Approach isn’t just a theoretical construct; it’s a lived experience. It’s not about accumulating knowledge for the sake of intellectual satisfaction. Instead, it’s about embodying wisdom in every fiber of your being. It’s about transcending the limitations that hold you back, whether they are emotional traumas, mental blocks, or spiritual doubts. The Diamond Approach invites you to not just ‘know’ but to ‘be’—to be the fullest, most authentic version of yourself.”
“Let’s get practical for a moment. The Diamond Approach is not a one-size-fits-all path; it’s tailored to meet you where you are. Whether you’re new to spiritual practice or have been on the path for years, this approach offers a fresh perspective that can rejuvenate your journey. It’s not about reaching a final destination but about enjoying the richness of the journey itself. So, are you ready to take the first step? The Diamond Approach is more than a teaching; it’s an invitation to a life well-lived.
The best part?
In conclusion, it’s all about YOU – your journey, your expansion, your life – not some doctrine or dogma. As I said, it’s a journey of discovery.