Navigating the Inner Cosmos: A Guide to Spiritual Inquiry

Spacecruiser Inquiry: True Guidance for the Inner Journey
“This book is designed to open you up to the nature of this most mysterious and personal journey. It is not a travelogue of magical and exotic places but an awakening to the capacities and possibilities in your soul for participating in the inner unfolding of your Being. What follows will orient your self-exploration so that you can recognize and encourage the implicit guidance that arises as you travel your own inner space. And as the journey continues and your awareness deepens, you will learn to appreciate the subtleties, the richness, and the intimacy that is yours as you follow the spiritual path of inquiry.””This book is designed to open you up to the nature of this most mysterious and personal journey. It is not a travelogue of magical and exotic places but an awakening to the capacities and possibilities in your soul for participating in the inner unfolding of your Being. What follows will orient your self-exploration so that you can recognize and encourage the implicit guidance that arises as you travel your own inner space. And as the journey continues and your awareness deepens, you will learn to appreciate the subtleties, the richness, and the intimacy that is yours as you follow the spiritual path of inquiry.”
PART ONE: Mystery and Inquiry
Why Inquire?
Openness in Inquiry
The Adventure of Being
Spacecruiser Inquiry
Fundamental Elements of Inquiry
Ordinary Knowledge
Basic Knowledge
Dynamic Questioning
Loving the Truth
The Personal Thread
Journey without a Goal
PART THREE: Diamond Guidance
Guidance of Being
True Guidance for Inquiry
Guidance as Gift to the Soul
Guidance and Understanding
The Essential Aspects in Guidance
Inquiry and the Essential Aspects
Yellow: Joy in Discovery
Red: Bold Adventure
White: Staying the Course
Green: Attuned Guidance
Black: The Power of Cutting Through
Knowing in Understanding
Truth in Understanding
Diamond Clarity
Focused Inquiry
Personal Inquiry
Brilliant Inquiry

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Spiritual inquiry not only leads to greater awareness and understanding of ourselves but also invites Being to disclose its hidden possibilities through the process of unfoldment of experience and insight. This activates our essential presence in its various manifestations in a natural and orderly fashion. In turn, these essential aspects enhance the process of inquiry and understanding, taking both to subtler and deeper dimensions of experience and perception.
This means that the activation of the subtle dimensions depends on our understanding, and this understanding reflects our capacity to inquire into our everyday experience. In the Diamond Approach, we don’t mechanically do exercises and practices that activate deep energies that we may not be able to understand or handle. Rather, the activation occurs independently, responding to one’s capacity for openness, inquiry, and understanding. And the fact that this capacity increases in direct relation to our level of maturity is the best safeguard against going too deep too fast.

In this practical, self-paced audio course, you’ll learn how to explore the ocean of your inner world using a powerful practice called Diamond Inquiry.