Exploring The Diamond Approach to Self-Realization
The Diamond Approach is a spiritual path leading toward more inner freedom and deeper aliveness. It is a spiritual teaching designed for people who live ordinary work and family lives. It considers the totality of the human being. It welcomes us as we guide us toward taking the natural next steps in actualizing our potential for more aliveness, intimacy, clarity, depth, and engagement with our lives.

The Diamond Approach recognizes the inherent synthesis between the spiritual and the psychological domains of experience. It looks at spiritual awakening as part of a developmental continuum that begins at birth, includes the various stages of ego formation and deformation. It can continue beyond the ego to the highest states of mystical consciousness. Authentic spiritual insight, together with contemporary psychological understanding, enables us to gain access to and also address the obstacles to realization particular to our time, place, culture, and personality.
The Diamond Approach addresses the return to our fundamental nature, the essence of what we are. It allows us to connect with our spiritual nature and bring it into our life, which allows us to investigate the medium of experience, not just the contents of experience.
Our methodology includes the practice of Presence and open-ended inquiry into our moment-to-moment experience oriented by a love for truth. The practices of sensing our direct experience and inquiring into it result, over time, in profound personal transformation, offering each of us the possibility of living our transcendent Beingness in the uniqueness of our personal life.
Work on one’s personality is used as a way to access spiritual states of consciousness>>
Inquiry is not intended to bring our experience into any particular state or condition. Inquiry opens the soul to its experience in the present in a more complete way. Inquiry is always present-centered, bringing us into direct contact with our experience.
“The way we get to our essential nature is not primarily through spiritual exercises but through psychological work to penetrate parts of the personality that are connected to underlying essential aspects of ourselves. Psychological inquiry leads to spiritual realization. Meditation supports this inquiry and sharpens it, but the psychological work is inseparable from the spiritual practice.” – A. H. Almaas
The Diamond Approach is not just a spiritual path; it’s a transformative journey synthesizing our spiritual and psychological realms. This is the place to start if you’ve ever felt the pull towards a deeper understanding of your true self. Our methodology, which includes the practice of Presence and open-ended inquiry, offers a unique blend of spiritual and psychological tools designed to bring you closer to your essential nature. Interested in diving deeper? Explore how Truth & Reality can serve as your guiding compass or how Presence & Being can enrich your everyday experiences.
But don’t just take our word for it. The Diamond Approach is a lived experience that invites you to engage directly with your moment-to-moment experiences. Whether you’re new to spiritual practices or have been on a spiritual journey for years, the Diamond Approach offers a fresh perspective that can lead to profound personal transformation. As A. H. Almaas, the founder of the Diamond Approach, puts it, “Psychological inquiry leads to spiritual realization.” So why wait? Discover the transformative power of Love & Heart and embark on a journey that promises to be as unique as you are.