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To be human means that you don’t say, “I want this to happen,” or “I don’t want that to happen.” You’re so vulnerable that you don’t need to choose what you experience. Whatever comes, comes. There’s no resistance to it. When I say that to be human you don’t choose this over that, I don’t mean that if you feel yourself choosing, you should tell yourself not to choose, because then you’re choosing. To be human is to be completely spontaneous, so delicate that you can’t resist or say no to any experience.

Then you become like water—light goes through you. To be human is to be like delicate water, very clean, very transparent, very fresh. It doesn’t have any opaqueness; it is completely colorless. You can see all colors through it. It’s very fluid, transparent. Whatever impression comes from within you goes through you like light through water. To be vulnerable is to flow like water. To be like a running stream with the freshness of running water. There is a clarity, a lucidity, a delicacy. Vulnerability is like water, but the water is very delicate. It’s like the water of tears—so delicate, so fine. If you are like tears, if your very nature is like colorless tears, then you feel what it’s like to be vulnerable. – A. H. Almaas, Diamond Heart Book Three: Being and the Meaning of Life, Ch. 13

If we’re not aware of ourselves, we lose our sense of presence, our sense of our humanness, a sense that we are real beings, not digital beings. We are not devices ourselves—we’re not mechanical devices. We are living, dynamic, organic, Being. And not only organic physically, but we are consciousness. The more we practice any spiritual practice the more we realize we are not just a body—we are pure consciousness, we are real presence. How do we not lose that as we communicate and use our technology but bring that through the technology and communicate so that it gets through the cable, through the tower, through the satellites so that our consciousness actually reaches the other people we are communicating with, so that our heart touches their heart, and it’s not just digital information arriving there. How we can use the devices so that they become conduits of as much of us as possible. – A. H. Almaas,, from the online course “Technology and Awakening

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