Divine Love

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If you really love, you see the whole picture. If you truly love somebody, you see that he or she is not different from the divine. So when you love this person, you love the divine—if the love is complete. And if you love the divine, you don’t love only one person; you love everything and everybody, because the divine comes through everything and everybody. So, as you begin to recognize the divine coming through all forms, all bodies, and all manifestations, your perception changes. It is the same mountain and, at the same time, it is transparent. It is as though you could see through the rocks, through the trees. It is not that you see objects behind other objects because things are physically transparent; that is not what we mean. You are able to see through everything, to the center of the universe, to the essence of it. You look at the mountain and into the mountain, and it opens into inner space and pure light, but it is still the mountain. – The Power of Divine Eros: The Illuminating Force of Love in Everyday Life, ch.3

Divine love is the dimension of true nature responsible for the arising of qualities, feelings, and affects in experience. It is not only light, which is consciousness, but also love. Love is the primordial feeling, the source of all affects. Light differentiates into colors; love differentiates into various affects. Divine love is golden white, white for light and golden for love. It is typically experienced as an ocean of golden white, a homogeneous medium, but it can differentiate within this field into the various forms of manifestation, with their myriad shapes and colors. An important and special differentiation is that of the essential aspects, where the very substance of the medium assumes, either throughout the entirety of its manifold or in some local regions, different colors and textures. The differentiation of the field into colors reflects the prismatic differentiation of light, but it is also concurrent with and inseparable from the differentiation of the sweet feeling of love into the various affects that characterize the essential aspects. Each of these essential aspects manifesting on the dimension of divine love has the sweetness of love as ground, but with an added subtle differentiation. The emerald green divine love has the warmth and tenderness of compassion; the ruby red love embodies the spirited vitality of strength; the silver white love exudes the confidence and steadfastness of will; the luminous black love is deep with the stillness of peace; the luscious apricot love is redolent with the deep feeling of fulfillment; and so on. These are the original differentiations, which we see here as the differentiations of love. Love is the basic and fundamental feeling of the real world, and it differentiates into the richness of the essential universe. It unfolds into a universe of affects, adding the richness of feeling to experience. We now have warmth, intimacy, depth, lightness, joy, happiness, celebration, benevolence, kindness, power, immensity, awe, wonder, freedom, release, expansion, clarity, excitement, aliveness, sharing, melting, exquisiteness, and many other free and authentic feelings of the heart. – The Inner Journey Home: Soul’s Realization of the Unity of Reality, Ch. 17

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