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That was the genius of Einstein, for instance. He believed that the solutions to scientific problems should be elegant. And he believed that the more elegant, the more aesthetically appealing, and the simpler the solution is, the more real and true it is. So, for Einstein, the elegance, simplicity, succinctness, and aesthetics of a solution had a lot to do with its truth. You are actually closer to the truth the more elegant your perception is, the more beautiful your formulation is, the more aesthetically appealing your understanding is, the simpler and shorter your solution is. – Brilliancy: The Essence of Intelligence, ch. 6

So in some sense you could say that our life and our action are a matter of perceiving ourselves into reality. We perceive ourselves into existence. The perceiving generates and creates the being. No separation exists between perceiving and creating. As you perceive your hand, your hand is being created. Perception and creation are identical. If you think that you move your hand and that your hand is bigger now than it was when you were two years old, those thoughts are what is being generated. So you’re not wrong and you’re not right. You’re simply being generated. No one is ever right or wrong. No one is ever good or bad. The only thing that ever happens is instantaneous manifestation. And it is actually not even a happening, for happening implies time, while it has no time in it. – Diamond Heart Book Five: Inexhaustible Mystery, ch.11

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