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This present arising is creativity, and in this sense, everything is creativity. The whole thing is in a constant process of creation. Everything is being created every second, every split second. You are being created; so is everything. We have been lulled into the conventional belief that we come from the past—from our father and mother, from childhood experiences, and from our history. Our mind uses this story so that we don’t look at the issue of our origin more directly. The mind is habituated to think that the past is where everything comes from. But that is illogical because the past actually doesn’t exist. It’s completely illogical and irrational to think that you came from the past, from your mother and father. Right at this moment, you are not coming from them; you’re coming from something right here, right now, in the present. What is giving you existence can’t be something that does not exist, like the past. – Diamond Heart Book Four: Indestructible Innocence, ch. 9

In the third dimension, when you are part of the world but not in it, creativity is all that you see, everything that you see. It is like a dream, in that when you dream, you are creating the dream. You are creating the whole world. Everything you see around you is in the process of creativity, is in the process of being, or coming into being: creation. That is actually the objective situation—everything that you see around you is being created every second. This world that you see—all these people, this house, the floor, the light, the plants—are not products of the past; they are being created right at this moment, constantly, always being generated. The world is not a product of the past, and you are not the product of your past. You think you are there because you were born and grew up. In a sense this is true; however, right at this moment where do you come from? You don’t come from your mother’s womb at this moment. So at this second where do you come from? To see the answer is to know and participate in what creativity is, what creation is. This is the greatest creativity, the greatest art. – Diamond Heart Book Four: Indestructible Innocence, ch.9

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