Journey into the Absolute: Unveiling the Core of Existence

Exploring the Depths of a Journey into the Absolute

In the depths of the soul, a mystery lies,

A truth that’s hidden from our eyes.

Beyond the veil of time and space,

The Absolute awaits with infinite grace.

In the vastness of existence lies a profound, so all-encompassing truth that the mind cannot fathom it, but the heart knows it. This truth, known as the Absolute, is the ultimate ground of Being, the fundamental nature that underlies reality. It is the source from which all manifestation arises and the destination to which all paths ultimately lead. While different spiritual traditions have various names for this ultimate reality—the Tao, Brahman, the Godhead, the One—they all point to the same ineffable truth that lies beyond the grasp of the rational mind. As Ibn Arabi, the great Sufi mystic, wrote:

“The Absolute is the only reality, and everything else is an illusion. It is the source of all existence and the goal of all spiritual paths.”

origins of the absolute

The emergence of the foundational origins of the concept of the Absolute can be traced back to both the Greeks in the 6th century BCE, and the Upanishads composed between about 700 B.C.E. and 300 B.C.E., This parallel development in distant regions, highlights a shared human quest for understanding existence beyond empirical observations. Despite the geographical and cultural differences, these parallel inquiries into ultimate reality underscore a universal curiosity about fundamental truths that transcend boundaries. The convergence of these foundational origins in Greek philosophy and the Upanishads reflects a profound exploration of metaphysical concepts that have influenced philosophical thought across diverse civilizations. The term “absolute” has its etymological roots in Latin, meaning “to set free, end, and complete,” emphasizing a sense of independence and completeness.

Some refer to the experience of the Absolute as “Alone with Alone.”

absolute nature

The Nature of the Absolute

The Absolute is a mystery that defies all concepts and categories. The unmanifest completeness, the absolute darkness, contains all potential. In its depths, all opposites are reconciled, and all distinctions dissolve. It is the pregnant void from which all creation emerges and the ultimate source to which all things return, having never left. As Nisargadatta Maharaj, the great Advaita Vedanta master, said:

“The Absolute is not an object of knowledge, but the subject of all knowledge. It cannot be described but can be experienced as the core of our being.”

Yet, the Absolute is not a static or lifeless emptiness. It is alive with the radiance of its nature, which is perceived and known as brilliancy and luminosity. This “light before light” expresses the Absolute’s perfections, the dynamic play of its inherent qualities. Just as the sun’s rays are inseparable from the sun itself, so is luminous brilliancy inseparable from the Absolute. It is the bridge between the unmanifest and the manifest, how the Absolute knows and expresses itself.

absolute experience

Experiencing the Absolute

To experience the Absolute is to dive into the very heart of Being. It is a journey that takes us beyond the realm of the mind and into the depths of our nature. One way to approach this experience is through the lenses of the three major centers of subtle physiology: the belly, the heart, and the mind.

When the Absolute is perceived through the belly center, it is experienced as an immense solidity, a crystalline absence more substantial than any physical form. It is a paradoxical experience of being empty and full, both infinitely vast and infinitesimally small. In this state, one feels anchored in the ground of existence, unshakable and eternal.

When the Absolute is perceived through the heart center, it is experienced as sensual, intoxicating intimacy, a profound contentment that suffuses every cell of the body. It is a feeling of being held in the tender embrace of the universe, loved and accepted beyond all measure. In this state, one feels a deep connection to all of life, recognizing the underlying unity that binds everything together.

When the Absolute is perceived through the mind center, it is experienced as a subtle and radiant lightness, a precision and clarity that cuts through all illusions. It is a state of pure awareness, free from the constraints of thought and belief. In this state, one sees reality as it is, without the ego’s filters or the mind’s distortions.

dimensions of being

The Path to Realization

The journey to realizing the Absolute integrates various aspects and dimensions of Being. It is a path of inquiry, openness, and surrender, of progressively letting go of all that is false and embracing all that is true. As Ibn Arabi wrote:

“The path to the Absolute is not a path of accumulation, but a path of subtraction. It is a path of letting go, of surrendering all that we think we know until only the truth remains.”

Central to this journey is the practice of inquiry, continually questioning assumptions and beliefs about ourselves and the world. As we inquire deeper and deeper into the nature of reality, we begin to see through the illusions of the mind and touch the living truth that lies beyond.

Equally important is openness, the willingness to let go of fixed ideas and preconceptions. Cultivating openness creates space for new insights and understandings to emerge, and we become more receptive to the guidance of our inner wisdom.

Finally, the path to realization requires a profound surrender, a letting go of our attachment to the self and its desires. As we surrender more and more deeply to the truth of our being, we open ourselves to the transformative power of grace, which can carry us beyond the limitations of the mind and into the vast expanse of the Absolute.

embodied absolute

The Implications of Realizing the Absolute

Realizing the Absolute is not merely an abstract or theoretical attainment; it is a lived reality that fundamentally transforms our experience of ourselves and the world. When we awaken to the truth of our being, we see that the sense of separation that defines the ego is an illusion and that our true nature is one with the infinite and eternal ground of Being. As Nisargadatta Maharaj said:

“Once you realize the Absolute, you see that everything is an expression of the Absolute. There is no longer any separation between the inner and the outer, between the self and the world.”

This realization brings with it a profound sense of freedom and liberation, as the fears and desires of the ego no longer bind us. We see that life is an expression of the Absolute and that every moment is an opportunity to align ourselves with its wisdom and grace.

Living from this realization, we naturally become more present, compassionate, and responsive to the world’s needs. We understand that true service is not about serving a particular person or cause but the truth itself, which is the source and substance of all that is.

almaas diamond approach concept

A. H. Almaas and the Absolute

A. H. Almaas, the founder of the Diamond Approach, offers profound insights into the transformative impact of realizing the Absolute on one’s life. According to Almaas, when we awaken to our absolute nature, it fundamentally reshapes our perception, experience, and way of being in the world.

Almaas emphasizes that realizing the Absolute is not merely an abstract or theoretical attainment but a lived reality that permeates every aspect of our existence. When we recognize our true nature as the Absolute, we see that the sense of separation and individuality that defines the ego is ultimately an illusion. We discover that, at the deepest level, we are one with the infinite and eternal ground of Being.

This realization brings a profound sense of freedom, liberation, and wholeness. We are no longer bound by the ego’s fears, desires, and limitations, as we recognize that our true identity is beyond all such constructs. We rest in the unshakable peace and inherent completeness of our absolute nature.

Moreover, living from realizing the Absolute fundamentally transforms our relationship with the world. We see that all of life is an expression of the Absolute and that every moment is a unique manifestation of its creativity and intelligence. This understanding fosters a deep reverence, wonder, and appreciation for the sacredness of existence.

Almaas also highlights that realizing the Absolute awakens a profound capacity for compassion, empathy, and selfless service. As we recognize the underlying unity and interconnectedness of all beings, we naturally feel a deep concern for the welfare of others. We are moved to respond to the suffering and needs of the world with an open heart and a clear mind, free from the distortions of the ego.

Furthermore, Almaas points out that integrating the realization of the Absolute into our daily lives is an ongoing journey of embodiment and actualization. It involves aligning our thoughts, words, and actions with the wisdom and guidance of our absolute nature, moment by moment. This is a path of continual surrender, refinement, and deepening as we learn to live in ever-greater harmony with the truth of our being.

For Almaas, realizing the Absolute is not an end but a doorway to a radically new way of being—one characterized by freedom, wholeness, compassion, and a profound engagement with the mystery and beauty of existence. It is a journey of endless unfolding, discovery, and transformation as we learn to live from the infinite depths of our true nature.

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