The two primary co-emergent faces of reality are Being and Non-being, emptiness and fullness, presence and absence. Understanding the nature and impact of The Void (space) on spiritual and psychological development is as important as understanding essence.
“Understanding of emptiness is that which allows you to discern the difference between reality and the false projections of your mind.” – Dalai Lama XIV
This group will delve deep into the mysteries of The Void using A. H. Almaas’s text on the subject as guidance, support, and inspiration. We will meet for ten sessions over three months, covering about 15 pages in each meeting. Meetings will be scheduled for an hour and forty-five minutes but may run longer depending on what’s needed.
The Significance of Space in Spiritual and Psychodynamic Work

The void is the emptiness resulting from the dissolution of the personality needed for the emergence of essence. In other words, the basic ground of our experience is empty space, the void. This space is usually filled by the personality and its identifications, so there is no room for essence. So there is a need for a clearing process, which will ultimately result in the emergence of empty space. Then essence can emerge, and it will be the fullness of our being. It will take its place, as the source, the life, and the fulfillment. = Essence with the Elixir of Enlightenment, pg. 52
Feb – 8, 15, 22, 29
Mar – 14, 21
Apr – 4, 11, 18, 25
6pm to 7:45pm Pacific time
$25 per session or $200 if paid in full before the first meeting (you can pay via PayPal at or Zelle same email).
Registration, information, or questions? Contact John Harper at the email above.
I appreciate any help in building awareness of this group.
Experience of Oneself as Empty Space
The void is the experience of oneself, one’s Essence, as empty space. It is an experience of expansion, spaciousness, openness, and boundlessness. The mind is not bound by the rigid boundaries of the personality’s self-image. Its effect on perception is to see things as they are, without distortion… The void is really nothing but the absence of the personality and its various distortions. The mind is empty then, completely empty of the personality. It is as if the inner space is cleaned out, emptied, of the personality and its patterns, mental or physical. The person feels free, fresh, light, and unhampered. The mind is seen as it is, an immaculate emptiness. – Essence with the Elixir of Enlightenment, pg. 141