Yellow Latifa

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Activating the Yellow latifa opens up one of the faculties of the heart, which is to wish, want, or long for what it misses. The wish is for what the soul, or its heart, naturally and spontaneously loves. The Yellow latifa is the presence of pure joy and delight, but it also causes the soul to become curious and activates its sacred impulse of true and innocent wanting. This means that the greater and deeper the realization of the Yellow latifa, the deeper the truth one’s heart loves and wants to behold. – Spacecruiser Inquiry, ch. 16


Curiosity, which is a delight in discovering the truth, is one expression of the yellow aspect. Love is the fuel for inquiry, but the spark that ignites it is curiosity. When this quality is present, openness manifests an engaged dynamism, which can then become an active inquiry. Curiosity activates the openness, imbuing it with a vibrant energy and bringing more personal involvement in the experience. It’s just like the captain of the Spacecruiser Inquiry giving the order “Engage!”—and the spaceship is set in motion in a particular direction or toward an area of exploration. – Spacecruiser Inquiry, ch. 17


This is the action, then, of the Yellow latifa in the Diamond Guidance: It’s curious, it’s inquisitive, it’s experimental—all in a playful way. And this playfulness of inquiry reflects the playfulness of the creative dynamism of true nature. We have discussed how the creative dynamism is responsible for the arising of the various forms and patterns in our experience of the whole world, and that this creative dynamism is the action of love. It is also a manifestation of celebration, a manifestation of joy. – Spacecruiser Inquiry, ch. 17

yellow essence joyfulness

The essential qualities appear now as precisely cut diamonds of various colors and qualities. We experience Strength, for example, as an exhilarating, strong sense of precision, with aliveness and beauty. The joyfulness of the Yellow aspect has an intense kind of sweetness that is almost overwhelming. In comparison to these essential qualities, our usual experience is old and stale. It doesn’t have the possibility of true vibrancy or alive consciousness, where each atom feels as if it could open a thousand miles wide and explode at the same time with a delicious, tingling energy. – Spacecruiser Inquiry, ch. 14

Spacecruiser Inquiry, ch. 18

In the practice of inquiry, the characteristics of the Yellow latifa—curiosity and playfulness—are very delicate. As expressions of a delicate innocence that doesn’t have much oomph or capacity to withstand difficulties and barriers, they will buckle under easily without support. Joyfulness needs another capacity to balance that subtle playfulness: an energy, a strength, an expansive power. Not only does inquiry need to be playful and curious, but this curiosity needs to be supported and balanced by a strong energy that gives our soul—and thus our inquiry—the capacity to withstand a great deal of pressure. Inquiry requires an energy and a strength that will keep it from being crushed so easily—a quality of forcefulness, energy, expansiveness, and capacity. A fiery quality. – Spacecruiser Inquiry, ch. 18

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