Diamond Guidance

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As our understanding unfolds, the Diamond Guidance takes us from knowledge to mystery. The Guidance reveals to us the truth and richness of our Being, but the more it reveals these things, the more we are in touch with its mystery. This is a paradoxical, strange, and mysterious situation. Over time, the Guidance reveals to us more and more about our true nature, reality, and about what and who we are. However, the more knowledge and understanding we gain through this revelation, the more we approach the depth, the essence, of our Being, which is mystery. So the increasing and deepening insight and knowledge do not lead us to a satisfying conclusion about who and what we are. We don’t end up with a static picture of ourselves and reality. The more understanding and insight we have, the more our soul becomes transparent to the mystery, and the more we recognize that our Being is mysterious. – Spacecruiser Inquiry: True Guidance for the Inner Journey, ch. 14

The essential aspect of Love functions as the motivational energy of inquiry. It is the impulse of the heart, it is how the heart is involved in the journey. Another way of saying this is that when you feel that you love to find out the truth, you’re invoking the Diamond Guidance, for the Diamond Guidance is the revealer of truth. It is equivalent to Gabriel, the angel of revelation. Gabriel is the messenger of God, or the truth, and Diamond Guidance is an essential manifestation whose function is to reveal the essential truth in our experience. So when you say, “I want to know the truth,” it means your heart wants the truth to be revealed. This is an invitation for the revealer to descend and manifest. The heart is inviting the angel of revelation, the revealer of truth; it is opening the door and saying, “I want you to come and I want to surrender to you. – A. H. Almaas, Spacecruiser Inquiry: True Guidance for the Inner Journey, Ch. 14

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