The Essence of Being
Ah Love
Love is
IS-ing me
I am loving
the taste and wonder
of the loving
In the loving
all tastes
are tastes of loving
spins and swoons
as love rushes
into and out of
John Harper

“Ah Love,” expresses a profound discovery: love and existence are not merely intertwined but essentially the same. This understanding resonates with the teachings of Nisargadatta, Ramana Maharshi, and other spiritual masters who speak of the “I AM”—the pure, unconditioned beingness that is the foundation of all existence.
Love says ‘I am everything.’ Wisdom says ‘I am nothing.’ Between the two, my life flows.
Nisargadatta Maharaj

The journey to this realization was not immediate; it was birthed through many explorations of love and its essential qualities via the Diamond Approach®. Each experience of love, whether tender or intense, revealed another layer of its truth. Love, I discovered, is not just an emotion or a state of being—it is the very fabric of existence. Every action, every experience, is love interacting with itself, manifesting in infinite forms.
The true self is a limitless being, a pure expression of the essential qualities of existence, among which love is the central one.
A. H. Almaas
“Love is IS-ing me” encapsulates this realization. It reflects how love is not something separate that I possess or give; instead, it is the force that gives rise to my very existence. The wonder of “the loving” is the recognition that all experiences are love experiencing itself. This understanding transforms how I perceive the world—no longer as a collection of separate events but as a continuous flow of love, spinning and swooning in a dance with itself.

Love rushing “into and out of Itself” captures existence’s dynamic, self-reflective nature. In this space, there is no separation between the lover and the beloved, between subject and object. All is one, unified in the boundless expression of love.
Your Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.
Ramana Maharshi
This realization has profoundly shifted my understanding of life. Love is not a destination to reach or a feeling to grasp—the essence of existence, the “isness” that permeates all. This revelation brings peace and wonder that everything, every moment, expresses this fundamental truth.