Exploring the Breadth & Depth of Heart Love
It is often said, in some form or fashion, that love is at the center of everything; it is the foundation of creation, connects all beings, resolves all differences, and is the ultimate meaning of human life.
To explore the heart and love is to set sail, not only on the surface of a vast sea but also to plumb its depths.
The Diamond Approach is both boat and submarine for such an exploration. It helps one plumb the depth and breadth of their experience and reality.
The journey begins anew in every moment right where we are.
- Diamond Heart is a love affair par excellence, where the mind and heart are bonded from the start, although this is not so apparent at the beginning of the journey. – The Power of Divine Eros
- We find that home is the inner of the inner, in the most secret chamber of our hearts. – The Inner Journey Home
- The heart loves the truth; the deeper the truth, the deeper the love, and the deeper the love, the deeper the revelation of the truth. – Diamond Heart Book II: The Freedom to Be
Types and Qualities of Love
- Love – The most basic thing about love is that love is Beingness, essence, and existence.
- Divine love is the dimension of true nature that creates qualities, feelings, and affect in experience.
- Boundless love makes you realize that love oozes from everything, that love is the ground that manifests and bathes reality.
- Personal love – Take, for example, the quality of personal love, whose affect is that of liking and appreciation, of recognizing what we love as wonderful and precious.
- Passionate love feels annihilating rather than giving and sweet.
- Crystal love – So the love here is real; it is a mature, objective love. I call it Crystal Love. The crystalline clarity that is love.
- Love of truth is subtle; it is the heart’s illumination, radiance, and melting sweetness.
- Living Daylight is a boundless dimension and, simultaneously, the source of basic trust; it functions as the appropriate holding for the soul in transitioning from individual experience to the boundless unity of Being.
- Holy Love is to be in touch with the blissful beauty of existence, which is its intrinsic goodness.
- Grace is the descent of Living Daylight, specifically regarding dissolving boundaries, so it allows us to be held by the universe and to trust in it.
- The Beloved is not an “other”. It is the true dweller of the heart, my source, my ultimate self, and the essence of everything.
- Compassion is a healing agent that helps us tolerate the hurt of seeing the truth.
- Fulfillment – You are the fulfillment.
- Vulnerability is vulnerability to love, and extremely deep vulnerability is love.
- Allowing is a state of being. It has nothing to do with “I’m going to do this or that.” It’s an attitude—a final attitude—which is the absence of any attitude or the allowing of any attitude. is a state of being. It has nothing to do with “I’m going to do this or that.”
- Eros shows us how love unifies not only spirit and body but also desire with selfless giving.
- Unity is a very deep experience. It is the absence of boundaries.
- Empathy and empathetic mirroring are natural expressions of the presence of Loving Kindness.
- Gratitude – When you realize that what unfolds is exactly what you need, gratitude arises in the heart.
- Acceptance – True acceptance says, “Since this is how it is, I’m interested in experiencing it and fully being with it; I am totally present, and I’m being here with energy, with interest, with enthusiasm about life.”
- Joy is different from pleasure in the sense that joy has nothing to do with pain or pleasure.
- Courage – So your courage is in being real; in being real, you are truly courageous to see the other person as who they are, the whole package.
- Merging love creates a state with no barriers.
- Appreciation – This appreciation results in true dignity and integrity by being aware of the personality without going along with it.
- Serenity – It is the simplicity of fully being oneself. It is being without any movement out of the completeness and serenity of being.
- Forgiveness – This is the complete letting go of the past and the full embracing of the new. It is a freshness, an openness, a new beginning.
- The Stupa unveils the timeless wisdom that personal autonomy and uniqueness are characteristics of the personal essence, which does not require boundaries or, in fact, any ego structure.
- Universal love is conscious and loving at the same time.

Love Unveiled: Discovering the Essence of the Awakened Heart>>
by A. H. Almaas