The Flame of the Search: Are You a Flamekeeper or a Fire Extinguisher in the Digital Age?
In an era of endless attention-grabbing distractions, the “flame of the search” beckons us to pause and ponder:
- What kind of fire are we tending?
- Is it the flame of self-inquiry, a beacon that guides us through the labyrinth of life’s most perplexing questions?
- Or is it a series of short-lived sparks quickly snuffed out by the next trending topic or viral sensation?
The Diamond Approach™ invites us to embark on a unique journey—a pilgrimage to the very core of our Being. It’s time to stoke the embers of your soul’s deepest desires and become the modern-day keeper of the flame of the search.
The Diamond Approach:
- The flame of the search is a deeply personal quest related to the questions “Why am I here?” and “Where am I going?”
- The flame is about keeping the question alive, not rushing to answer it with preconceived ideas or beliefs.
- The flame burns away all the ideas, beliefs, and concepts, even those learned from great teachings.
- The flame should not be put out quickly with the first answer you hear; it should remain an ongoing question.
- The mind cannot answer these questions; answering them mentally puts out the flame.
Ah, the flame of the search—a flicker in the dark caverns of existence, a beacon that calls us to venture into the labyrinth of life’s questions.

- Why are we here?
- Where are we going?
These eternally provocative questions are the kindling for the flame that burns within each of us. But what happens when this flame is in competition with the ceaseless distractions of modern life? Let us explore this intricate dance for our soul’s attention and affection.
The Flame: A Personal Quest
In the words of A.H. Almaas, the flame of the search is a “completely personal quest.” It’s not about following a prescribed path or adhering to societal norms. It’s about your situation, your life. The flame asks you to be brutally honest with yourself. Do you truly know where you’re going? If you think you do, you’re likely lying to yourself. The flame is not a destination; it’s a process—an ongoing inquiry that burns away all preconceptions and illuminates the path of true understanding.

The Competition: Modern Distractions
In an era where attention is the new currency, the flame faces fierce competition. Social media, entertainment, and even the pursuit of knowledge can become distractions that dim the flame.
- How often do we extinguish the flame with the first answer Google or ChatGPT provides?
- How frequently do we trade the depth of introspection for the shallowness of a tweet?
- Why settle for a tweet when the soul is singing an opera?
The Crisis of Stolen Focus: A Collective Dilemma
Johann Hari’s exploration into the erosion of our attention spans raises a compelling question: Are we, as individuals and as a society, losing the art of deep focus? The article suggests that our attention crisis is not merely a personal failing but a systemic issue akin to the obesity epidemic. It’s not just our devices that are to blame; it’s the entire ecosystem we inhabit—from our work culture that demands constant connectivity to the societal norms that have made multitasking a virtue. This perspective challenges us to look beyond individual solutions like “digital detoxes” and consider collective actions. Could the answer lie in an “attention movement,” a societal shift that reclaims our cognitive landscapes just as the feminist movement reclaimed bodily autonomy?

The Paradox of Comfort and Willpower: The Yin and Yang of Modern Life
In a world where comfort is often the ultimate goal, Nir Eyal’s article “Comfortable with Discomfort” challenges us to rethink this pursuit. Eyal posits that the constant search for comfort can actually lead to more discomfort, creating a cycle that distracts us from our deeper quests. This insight resonates with the flame of the search, which often requires us to embrace discomfort, to question rather than to settle. Could it be that our modern obsession with comfort is another extinguisher of the flame, luring us away from the discomforting questions that lead to deeper understanding?

A Tapestry of Wisdom: Insights from Mystic Avengers
Jiddu Krishnamurti was an Indian philosopher, speaker, and writer who emphasized the importance of a radical change in the human psyche as a means to achieve peace.
- Attention and Awareness: True attention comes from a state of awareness, where the mind is not focused on a particular object but is fully present.
- Freedom from Conditioning: Freeing oneself from societal and psychological conditioning to achieve a state of true attention.
Meister Eckhart was a German theologian, philosopher, and mystic. He was a proponent of apophatic theology, which emphasizes God’s ineffability and the importance of inner experience over doctrinal knowledge.
- The Inner Spark: The “spark” within the soul is in direct communion with the Divine. This is where one should focus their attention for spiritual growth.
- Detachment: A state of mind where external circumstances do not sway one.
- The Paradox of Seeking: True finding comes from a state of ‘letting be’ and allowing the Divine to manifest.
Ibn Arabi, also known as Shaykh al-Akbar (“The Greatest Master”), was an Andalusian Muslim scholar, mystic, and philosopher. He is renowned for his teachings on Sufism and Islamic esotericism.
- The Journey to God: The journey to God is a journey of attention and focus, where distractions are tests.
Idries Shah was a prominent author and teacher in the Sufi tradition. He was instrumental in introducing Sufi thought to the Western world and emphasized the practical application of these teachings in everyday life.
- The Seeker’s Journey: Discernment and focused attention are crucial for anyone on a spiritual path.
- The Role of the Teacher: A true teacher helps you to focus not on them but on the teachings and your inner development.
- Practical Spirituality: True spiritual focus is not an escape from the world but a deeper engagement.
Eckhart Tolle is a contemporary spiritual teacher and author, best known for his books “The Power of Now” and “A New Earth.” His teachings focus on the importance of present-moment awareness and the transformation of consciousness.
- The Power of Now: Most distractions arise from our preoccupation with the past or the future, and true focus can only be achieved in the ‘Now.’
- Consciousness Transformation: Transformation begins with the cultivation of focused attention on the present moment.
Adyashanti is an American spiritual teacher and author who draws on various spiritual traditions, including Zen Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta. His teachings emphasize the direct experience of Truth and the realization of one’s true nature.
- Direct Experience: True attention arises when we engage directly with our experience without the interference of thoughts or judgments.
- The End of Seeking: Spiritual seeking often becomes a distraction in itself. Let go of the search and focus on the present experience as it is.
Siddhartha Gautama, commonly known as Buddha, was an ancient spiritual teacher from India who founded Buddhism. His teachings have profoundly impacted millions, offering insights into the nature of suffering, the mind, and the path to enlightenment.
- Mindfulness: Paying full attention to the present moment.
- Detachment and Equanimity: Essential qualities for maintaining focus and attention.

Ancient Wisdom Meets Modern Complexity
The Diamond Approach reminds us that the flame is not new; it’s as ancient as human consciousness. Yet, in the complexity of modern life, tending to the flame requires a new kind of vigilance. It’s a dance, a balancing act between the wisdom of the ancients and the realities of the 21st century.
The Language of Unity
In a world obsessed with individuality, fanning the flame challenges us to free our curiosity and burn brightly. The flame is not just yours; it’s part of the unity of Being, the spark of the Divine, a thread in the tapestry of existence. When you nurture your flame, you contribute to the illumination of the world.
- How will you tend to your flame in the cacophony of modern life?
- Will you allow it to be snuffed out by the first answer that comes your way, or will you let it burn, challenging your beliefs and enriching your soul?
The flame of the search is not just a philosophical concept; it’s a call to action, a challenge to live authentically. So let it burn, dance, and guide you through the labyrinth of life’s questions. The flame is the fuel for the journey home.

The Keeper of the Flame: A Tribal Legacy
In the nomadic tribes of yesteryears, the role of the “keeper of the flame” was sacrosanct. This individual bore the weighty responsibility of tending to the embers, ensuring the tribe’s survival and well-being. The keeper of the flame bore the wisdom of fire.
Fast forward to our digital age, and one must ask: Who has taken up the mantle of the keeper of the flame?
In a world awash with the flickering lights of smartphone notifications and the glare of screens, have we outsourced this sacred duty to algorithms, trending hashtags, and bullet-point wisdom?
The Diamond Approach beckons us to reclaim this role, urging us to become modern-day keepers of our inner flames. It challenges us to balance the ancient art of presence with the ceaseless demands of contemporary life to ensure that the embers of self-inquiry and spiritual pursuit continue to glow amidst the cacophony of modern distractions.

Diamond Heart Book Three: Being and the Meaning of Life – Chapter One: The Flame of the Search (pdf available)
Thank you
is this where the fire, spark, flame is in man
In the heart