The Paradox of No-Self in Spiritual Exploration
The Diamond Approach sheds light on the profound state of no-self, a pure manifestation of inner spacious reality. This state is not about the absence of being but rather the fullness of Being in its most authentic form. However, the journey to recognizing this state is often clouded by the mind’s structures and identifications. The self, in its habitual patterns, reacts to the sense of no-self as a loss or deficiency. But when we allow ourselves to fully experience this emptiness without judgment or resistance, it reveals its true nature: a luminous, open space of pure Being, free from the confines of egoic identifications.
Ambition of no-self from self
True self, real self, authentic self. These are often heard in “spiritual” circles or “growth work” groups. The current popularity of teachings like Buddhism and “non-duality” has given rise to the appeal and misunderstanding of a no-self, a self-functioning from the nondual or no self.
Is it possible to develop a spiritual self from ego-self, a constructed self?
What the heck is no self anyway?
The illogical logic of self
The underlying orientation of self is: I need to find, reclaim, manifest, embody, discover, uncover, create, etc. my real, true, authentic, spiritual self. I need to go somewhere inside or out. I need to do something, change something.
Why does no-self appeal to a self? If there is some kind of reward or satisfaction in no-self, who is it that is having that experience? Is there experience with no-self?
This is the beauty of misdirection from self, believing it is going to have experience of a higher, real self.
Navigating the Inner Terrain of No-Self
The spiritual journey often leads us to confront the dichotomy between the self and the no-self. While the self is filled with identifications, beliefs, and memories, the state of no self is pure, immaculate, and free from these constructs. It’s a realm of pure consciousness, devoid of personal identity. However, this doesn’t mean it’s a state of nothingness. On the contrary, it’s a state of everythingness, where one experiences the totality of existence without the filter of personal identity. It’s a state where the individual merges with the universal, where boundaries dissolve, and pure awareness reigns.
It’s a journey
The journey from self to no self is based on rejection/acquisition and the notion of ownership. At the root of self is a conviction in me/my/mine. It is a fundamental truth of self, after all, it is my experience. But, what is experience? What makes experience mine?
It seems to be a no-brainer that there is me, a subject, in contact or involved with something else, an object, that is basic to experience. Events and happenings from the perspective of self revolve around this.
From Self to No-Self: The Ultimate Spiritual Transition
The Diamond Approach emphasizes the significance of understanding the self before transcending it. The self, with its myriad of experiences, emotions, and thoughts, serves as a starting point. But as one delves deeper into the spiritual path, there’s a realization that the self is just a stepping stone to a more profound reality. The state of no-self is not about negating the self but about realizing its transient nature in the face of eternal consciousness. It’s about recognizing that our true nature is beyond the limited constructs of the mind and ego. In this state, there’s a profound freedom, a liberation from the chains of identity, and a merging with the boundless expanse of pure Being.
Here’s all you need to know about self and no-self
You can’t become clear about what you are by studying it from what you’re not.
You become clear about what you are by becoming clear about what you’re not.
Rending veils
The soul is covered by a thousand veils.
Hazrat Inayat Khan

When you eventually see through the veils to how things really are, you will keep saying again and again, this is certainly not like we thought it was.
On the Diamond Path, inquiry is the methodology used to rend the veils and become clear about what we’re not. This process of inquiry and understanding dissolves the veils – beliefs, opinions, ideas, conditioning, ignorance, etc.
The subtlety of the method lies in having no goal, nowhere to arrive to, no self to become, no-self to be. We’re focused on what’s happening moment to moment instead of collecting experience.
Hope is nature’s veil for hiding truth’s nakedness. – Alfred Nobel
Those who have a fluid identity may be more inclined to allow the self to unfold in a fractal geometric pattern, vs stuck being in linearity, or a “flat lander perspective.” All within the backdrop of absolute Being, or Total Being, if perhaps life offers the gracious attempt to reveal itself to those open to the experience.
Like exploring the lessons with icy bottoms, or new beginnings with warmth and kindness in our hearts.
Thanks for the insights with in depth links and work with this post, best wishes for next year.