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Have you ever noticed that emotions have an energetic charge? Any kind of reactivity has a charge to it. When you allow yourself to be with your emotional charge, the feelings can open to new and deeper experiences if you approach them with interest and openness. Emotions can trap, distort, and limit the energy and thereby limit our experience when we do not approach them in the right way. Liberating the energy of our emotions liberates our consciousness. – The Power of Divine Eros: The Illuminating Force of Love in Everyday Life, Ch. 10

It is true that the emotion of love or the expression of it does not necessarily indicate the presence of real essential love. Most of the time, the emotion or its expression is conditioned by the personality and its unconscious underpinnings. Hence, it is selfish love, which is self-seeking and useless. Also, as we saw in the last section, emotion and essence are not the same. Emotional love is not essential love. It is a discharge process, whereas essential love is a real presence. – Essence with the Elixir of Enlightenment: The Diamond Approach to Inner Realization, Ch. 2

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