Living Being

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I have been referring to reality as Living Being because reality is alive. This livingness is ever evolving; it is not that reality has a secret that it is going to divulge once and that’s it. You shouldn’t be surprised if, a couple of years from now, I write another book that says something quite different from what I am saying now. This is similar to how it is in your own life. Two years from now, you don’t want to be doing the same things, thinking the same things, and saying the same things that you are now. Your sense of aliveness would be diminished if you did not continue to evolve – Runaway Realization: Living a Life of Ceaseless Discovery, Ch. 14

To go beyond appropriation is to recognize that the individual soul is the vessel through which reality manifests. To truly understand how practice is realization is to recognize that practice is not the practice of the self. Recognizing that true practice is Living Being practicing is central to understanding how practice is realization. Or, put another way that is more accurate, you as an individual practicing are Living Being practicing. And as it perfects its practice, Living Being pervades the individual soul with its luminosity and truth, which appears as nondoing and realization. – Runaway Realization: Living a Life of Ceaseless Discovery, Ch. 6

We do need to be responsible for our realization, we need to be earnest, we need to be committed, we need to have selfless motivation, and we need to apply our capacities. However, at some point, none of that will be effective unless we recognize that it is not due to our motivation and the application of our capacities that realization or enlightenment happens. In fact, we recognize that we, as individual souls, are capacities of Living Being. We are organs of Living Being, organs for Living Being to recognize its enlightenment. The individual needs to recognize that it is Living Being that attains enlightenment and achieves realization. And Living Being attains realization by manifesting all our life and all our experience and all the influences that open us up to realization. This all-accomplishing dynamism realizes its enlightenment also by appearing in our consciousness as the motivation to practice and as the capacity to practice. – Runaway Realization: Living a Life of Ceaseless Discovery, Ch. 10

Envision the universe as a living being that, through its differentiations and developments, evolves increasingly sophisticated life-forms which are capable of ever-subtler and more inclusive levels of experience. Each form is a manifestation of this being, and as such, each provides it with different experiences of itself. So each life-form is a way that this living being, the universe, experiences itself. An amoeba is a vehicle for a certain experience of itself, as are a bird and a human. But human beings, as distinct from other life forms, also provide the universe with a way to reflect upon itself. And a complete human being is a way the universe experiences itself completely. To know the truth of Holy Omniscience is to know that you are the eyes of the universe. When you understand this, you know that your job (as the Holy Idea of ennea-type Seven, Holy Work, will tell us) is to make that eye completely transparent and completely open so that you can give the universe an experience of itself in all its dimensionality, in all its variety, in all its colors and flavors. – Facets of Unity: The Enneagram of Holy Ideas, Ch. 12

being, total being
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