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Impeccability can be in action, in feeling, in thinking. Impeccability can be in terms of the will, in terms of the mind, in terms of the heart. One of the times when some people will become most uncertain about impeccability is when it comes to the heart—where there is softness and gentleness and delicacy—because impeccability seems to imply something sharp and straight. But you can be impeccable about love. This means that you have some understanding about your attractions and their patterns, what’s positive in them and what’s negative. And in this case, to be impeccable means to act according to the knowledge you have about these things. You might know, for instance, that you always give up your heart for the sake of approval, or pleasure, or security, and you know this always creates a mess. In this case, to act impeccably means to go against the usual inclinations of your heart because your heart is not free, not impeccable on its own. – A. H. Almaas, Diamond Heart Book One: Elements of the Real in Man, Ch. 15

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