The Enneagram: An Ancient Symbol’s Journey into Modernity
The Enneagram, an ancient symbol shrouded in mystery, has grown in popularity in the modern era. This intricate diagram of interconnected personality types has transitioned from its esoteric origins into mainstream applications today. In the following exploration, we will unravel the enigmatic Enneagram through various lenses – mystical, scientific, personal, and societal – to shed light on this timeless symbol and its contemporary significance. Tracing the roots of this traditional tool while questioning its modern manifestations, this journey aims to illuminate the perennial wisdom encoded in the symbol.

The Enneagram Unveiled
The Enneagram is a word as enigmatic as the concept it represents. It traces its roots to ancient spiritual traditions, but why nine points? Why not ten or twelve? Numerology would suggest that nine is a number of completion, a return to unity. In the realm of sacred geometry, nine represents the end of a cycle, a return to the source. It’s as if the universe itself whispers, “In unity, you shall find diversity.“
And what does this cryptic symbol actually represent? At its core, it is a map, a guide to the terrain of human personality and motivation. Through its nine interconnected types, it illuminates the diversity of the human experience, spanning the spectrum from servant to performer, investigator to peacemaker.
Yet, it is more than a mere categorization of traits. Drawing from esoteric traditions, it points to a deeper understanding of the self. It reveals the paradoxical interplay between our essence and personality, between timeless wisdom and modern preoccupations.

And what about its rise to modern popularity? Could it be that we yearn for a language of unity in a world fragmented by individualism? Ah, the irony! In our quest for individuality, have we not isolated ourselves from the very essence of existence? The Enneagram, then, serves as a mirror, reflecting both our uniqueness and our interconnectedness. It reminds us that no man is an island and that we are all branches of the same tree.
The Science Behind the Enneagram
Science, the modern oracle, offers a mixed bag of judgments. While studies hint at its potential for psychological well-being, the scientific community raises an eyebrow at its lack of empirical validation. But let’s ponder this: Does personal verification through experience not often outweigh scientific research?
The beauty of the Enneagram lies in its immediacy. A few hours of introspection can yield insights that resonate deeply, almost as if the ancient wisdom of it speaks directly to your soul. Unlike a laboratory experiment, it engages you as an active participant in your own inner research. Through self-observation, you explore the caverns of your psyche, unearthing latent motivations and patterns.
Maybe this is why science approaches it warily, even skeptically, for it relies not on objectivity and data but on subjective insight and self-knowledge. It cares not for p-values and statistical significance; its significance lies in your personal path to understanding. This is inner science, not the outer science championed by Descartes and Newton.

Is the Enneagram a mere pseudoscience, or is it an ancient wisdom awaiting scientific vindication? Wisdom often lies in paradox. The Enneagram is a bridge between alchemy and analytics, subjectivity and objectivity. Like yin and yang, both inner and outer investigations of the self are valid and complementary.
The Enneagram and You
“Know Thyself,” proclaimed Socrates, a mantra echoed by philosophers and mystics down the ages. The Enneagram promises such depth of self-knowledge. But can a mere number define you? The Diamond Approach says that you are both the finite and the infinite.
Certainly, a single Enneagram type cannot encapsulate your whole being.

We are each a microcosm of the macrocosm, a fractal hologram of the whole.
The Enneagram provides a doorway, an access point into the labyrinth of self. Consider it like a passport to a foreign country. The stamp it provides at customs controls doesn’t define you entirely, but it permits entry for exploration. It opens the way for you to embark on the path of self-knowledge.
Socrates, Plato, Rumi—they all beckon us to delve into the depths of our being. The Enneagram serves as a modern-day oracle, a bridge between the ancients’ wisdom and modern life’s complexities. So, who are you, really? Are you a mere Enneagram type, or are you the universe experiencing itself?
This is not a party trick or personality quiz but a call to embark on the hero’s journey of self-discovery. How will you respond to this call? The Enneagram invites you to find out.

The Enneagram in the Business World
Picture a boardroom, filled with suits and ties, suddenly transformed into a sanctuary of self-discovery. Companies are increasingly turning to the Enneagram for team-building and leadership development. But can a spiritual tool be commodified without losing its essence? The paradox! In a world driven by profit, can the Enneagram maintain its integrity? Or will it be diluted into yet another corporate gimmick?
Consider this: What if it serves as the Trojan Horse of modern capitalism? A tool of ancient wisdom sneaking into the fortresses of corporate power, subtly transforming the landscape from within. Could the Enneagram be the alchemical agent that transmutes the leaden soul of business into golden authenticity? Might it cultivate emotional intelligence, ethical awareness, and human connection in even the most cutthroat environments?
History offers precedents for this subversive potential. From Confucianism in ancient China to Stoicism in Rome, spiritual philosophies have shaped empires from within. Today, mindfulness meditation permeates even the tech giants of Silicon Valley and the United States military. So perhaps the Enneagram, too, can infiltrate our modern capitalist system, seeding humanistic values and personal growth amidst profit-driven agendas.
We must tread carefully. Every tool of liberation can also become a tool of oppression. Will the Enneagram be used to pigeonhole employees, reducing their complex personalities to mere numbers? Or will it catalyze genuine human connection and growth within the corporate world? To avoid dilution and misuse, the Enneagram would require skillful and ethical implementation by business leaders.
Ultimately, the Enneagram offers businesses the gifts of self-knowledge and emotional intelligence. But for it to enrich, rather than corrupt the soul of capitalism, its applications must stem from wisdom and compassion, not greed and control. Tread carefully, business leaders; this ancient knowledge is dynamite in unwise hands.

The Enneagram vs. The Self-Help Industry
How does the Enneagram fare in a world awash with self-help books, each promising a shortcut to your true self? Unlike other self-help tools, the Enneagram offers no shortcuts, no easy answers but a lifelong journey of self-discovery. It challenges you to confront your illusions and embrace your complexities. Are you ready to take the red pill? Or would you rather live in the comforting illusion of your ego?
Here’s the rub: The Enneagram doesn’t just offer a mirror to your soul; it offers a labyrinth. At the same time, other self-help tools may offer you a flattering reflection or a distorted funhouse mirror.
Consider, for contrast, the plethora of personality tests out there – Myers Briggs, StrengthsFinder, DISC. While insightful in their own right, they often serve up bite-sized, social media-friendly definitions of self. They provide the illusion of self-knowledge through a filter of tidy categories and hashtags. #ENFJ #strategist #advocate
The Enneagram drops you into the messy, unfiltered process of self-inquiry. It is an open-source examination of the self, customizable to your unique path. Rather than pigeon-holing, it liberates you from illusion. But beware, this is fierce grace, not a soft and fluffy experience. The Enneagram is a crucible of fire, burning away impurities to reveal your essence.
The Enneagram is not a solitary journey. Unlike the isolated, individualistic quests often promoted by the self-help industry, it emphasizes interconnectedness. It reminds us that our liberation is bound up with the liberation of others. Can we embrace this call to collective awakening?
While the self-help industry offers personal wellness, the Enneagram offers collective wholeness. It connects your inner work to the larger project of human evolution. Our paths are all intertwined in this dance of becoming.
The Road Ahead
The Enneagram beckons us to explore further as we stand at the crossroads of science and spirituality. But let’s question our sincerity. Do we really want to “Know Thyself”? Ah, the existential dilemma! We yearn for self-knowledge, yet we fear what we might discover. Are we willing to face the abyss within, or would we rather live in blissful ignorance?
In this quest for self-knowledge, the Enneagram serves as both a map and a compass, pointing us toward uncharted territories within our psyche. But are we brave enough to venture into these realms? The Diamond Approach would remind us that the journey is the destination.
We must ask: What is our true intention? Is it mere curiosity, a fleeting interest in self-exploration? Or is it a deep, burning desire for authentic existence? The Enneagram doesn’t just ask for your time; it asks for your sincerity. Are you willing to commit to the journey?

And so it is with the Enneagram. We embark on its spiral path to return to our essence but with fresh eyes. In the words of the Diamond Approach, we reconnect with our “inherent consciousness, inseparable from Being.”
So, dear reader, what will it be? A life of questions or a life of assumed answers? The Enneagram awaits your curiosity. Step forth boldly, but tread carefully. When you peer into the abyss, the abyss also peers into you. This is sacred territory. Remove your shoes, and leave your preconceptions at the door. The journey begins where you are.
Diamond Approach Enneagram On-demand Courses
In this 11-module course, Sandra Maitri and Russ Hudson will synthesize decades of Enneagram knowledge and teaching experience with a lifetime of Diamond Approach spiritual development and methodology to help us reconnect to our essential being through the Enneagram. Click Here for Access
This course explores how the particular ‘take’ on reality at the core of each of the nine types begins and the belief structures, emotional patterns, and behaviors that result. Click Here for Access
An Introduction to the Teachings of A. H. Almaas by John Davis