Race, color, and diversity are just three manifestations of the multiplicity of True Nature.

#Race, #color, and #diversity are super-trending topics these days.
Out of nothingness arises everything – a multiplicity-fractal creating all possible permutations. The vibrancy and wonder of multiplicity in this universe we inhabit is mind-boggling in itself. We can’t fathom or guess the extent of the possibilities in the trillions of star systems or the inner worlds.
All of the social issues, violence, and suffering we witness these days (as well as all days past) around race, color, and diversity are rooted in two formative underpinnings of ego structure – entity and identity.
The structure of the self-entity is responsible not only for the self’s demarcation from others and from the external world, but also for functioning. We have observed a certain relationship between the structures of entity and identity, in relation to action. Just as identity is the center of initiative and the source of motivation for action, individual entity is the executor of action. More accurately, it is the total self which acts, but action requires two necessary elements: The first is the motivating center out of which arises a direction for action, and the second is the structure of functional capacities needed for carrying out the action. This model is analogous to the functioning of the body, in which it is the musculoskeletal system (corresponding to entity) which acts—such as in eating, but the motivation for the action originates in the inner sensations of the body (corresponding to identity), like hunger. It is also similar to the situation of the amoeba, in which the protoplasmic mass with its membrane is what acts, but the instructions and patterns for action originate from the nucleus. The acting self is a totality, but it has, so to speak, a legislative branch and an executive one: The legislative branch is basically the self-identity and the executive branch the self-entity. Both branches are needed for meaningful action, for the complete action of the integrated self. Disturbances of either branch interfere with action. – A. H. Almaas, The Point of Existence
How does diversity appear when it is not distorted by separateness and ego concerns?
We have to look at nature to see diversity in its natural state. Nature is a riot of color, distinction, and tapestry.
One area of diversity we study in the Diamond Approach is essential qualities.
We discover an important truth when we begin to experience our essence, or true nature. We find out that Essence manifests in many different qualities – what we have called the essential aspects. In other words, not only is Essence the pure and authentic presence of our Being, the ontological beingness of our soul, but this presence manifests itself in and as various experiential qualities that are clearly discernible. So Essence also presents itself as the sweetness of Love, for example, or the warmth of Compassion, or the fire of Strength, or the solidity of Will, or the stillness of Peace – depending on the needs of the particular situation. – A. H. Almmas, Spacecruiser Inquiry
How do embodied essential qualities manifest and express themselves in the ordinary world?

When we have worked through enough of our conditioning, psychological issues, and convictions in fundamentals like entity and identity, true nature can express itself in the world via the medium of our location and consciousness. How does that appear? Like nature itself – a spectrum of color, distinction, and accessorization. The difference is that our uniqueness is not part of the construct that separates us from others nor supports a cherished self-image. Expression of the real flows into the world via our prism of experience and capacity as it manifests the endless possibilities of the unified diversity of the everything.