Challenge the Sacred Cows – Let’s Make a Deal for the Real
Good news for the ego-self
The ego-self is always looking to make a deal… If I meditate, can I become enlightened? If I work on myself, will I be loved? If I straighten up and fly right, can I have a life free of pain and suffering?
Ah, that ego is so full of ifs and then! BTW – those ifs and then are usually based on rejecting the NOW for some fantasy of a blissful future.

Well, ego-self, suffer no more! The answer to all your hopes, dreams, wishes, longings, and fantasies is behind one of these doors –
Let’s Make a Deal!!!
Which door do you choose?
Let’s take a peak behind each door while our contestant, the ego-self, decides which door to choose.
Behind Door 1 – Sadness
Behind Door 2 – Sacred Cow
Behind Door 3 – Frustration!

The ego-self is hoping for that all-expenses-paid vacation to Wonderland or that brand-new Model 3 Tesla. How disappointed it will be with any of these choices.
BUT, there’s good news from the REAL – it’s behind all the doors. In fact, it’s everywhere! Everyone goes home a winner!
This is the REAL’s open secret – hidden in plain sight – just slightly obscured by our reactivity, concepts, attitudes, beliefs, convictions… the list is almost endless, but mostly goes round and round in circles.
The elucidating perspective is not in seeking the REAL – remember, it’s everywhere – but in investigating what is in the way of perceiving the real in the present moment. Inquiring into our sadness, sacred cows, frustration, or whatever are all doorways to the REAL.
In the Diamond Approach, there are no sacred cows only – holy cows!
Open and open-ended inquiry is the central practice of the Diamond Approach. There are no sacred cows; everything is fair game, no belief goes unchallenged, no stone remains unturned.
We trade in sacred cows for holy cows!
There are more surprises, AHAs, OMGs, astonishment, and ‘holy cows!’ than a golden retriever can shake a stick at.
Making a real deal requires only one thing – your suffering. No wonder so few are willing to pay the price as, more than anything else – we are our suffering.
The Playful Dance of Curiosity
Have you ever watched a child dismantle a toy, piece by piece, with wide-eyed wonder? That’s curiosity in its purest form! It’s not about seeking an end goal but the sheer joy of discovery in every moment. Imagine if we approached life with the same zest, treating every experience as a new toy waiting to be explored. The world would be our playground, and every day would be a new adventure!
Sacred Cows and the Joy of Questioning
We’ve all heard of ‘sacred cows’ – those beliefs and ideas that are often accepted without question. But what if we approached these cows with a playful curiosity? Instead of tiptoeing around them, we could engage in a friendly dance, asking, “Why are you here, Mr. Cow?” By doing so, we might discover that some of these cows aren’t as sacred as we thought. And in the process, we’d free ourselves from limiting beliefs, making room for fresh perspectives and insights.
Becoming the Sacred Explorer
The Diamond Approach teaches us that the sacred isn’t just something external to be revered. It’s also an intrinsic part of who we are. When we approach our inner world with curiosity, we embark on a personal journey of discovery, unearthing the sacred treasures within. And guess what? This journey doesn’t require a map or a compass. All it needs is an open heart and a playful spirit!
Curiosity: The Heart’s GPS
Imagine if our hearts came with a built-in GPS, guiding us toward joy and discovery. Well, they do! It’s called curiosity. This innate quality leads us to the truth, not as a distant destination but as a living experience. Every moment of genuine curiosity is a moment of connection with our true nature, a moment where we are fully alive and present.
Embracing the Sacredness of Now
In the hustle and bustle of life, it’s easy to overlook the sacredness of the present moment. But we discover its inherent magic when we pause and approach the ‘now’ with childlike curiosity. Each moment becomes a sacred gift, an invitation to dive deeper into the mys

The price for peace
Is our life of
Pain & suffering
Worry & agitation
Fear & emptiness
Petty thoughts & needs
The dull drab monotonous
No wonder
So few
Are willing
To pay
JH, I really like how this puts into perspective how the practice of inquiry is about what’s behind it all. With presence and awareness we can be with what is happening in our life now, and it can be affected by the past, present, or future. How is it all connected and supported in this often absurd life we live? Wanting to know, and being curious…
Thanks for the posts, much appreciated.
Hi Jordan – Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Curiosity and openness – not-knowing and revelation – being and nonbeing dancing.