Facets of Unity: The Enneagram of Holy Ideas
Presents the Enneagram of Holy Ideas as a unique view of reality, offering valuable insight to those on the spiritual path. Here, we are not directed toward the psychological types but the higher spiritual realities they reflect. We discover how the disconnection from each Holy Idea leads to the development of its corresponding fixation, thus realizing each type’s deeper psychological core. Understanding this core brings each of the Holy Ideas within reach, so its spiritual perspective can serve as a key for unlocking the fixation and freeing us from its limitations.
A Brief History of the Enneagram
Overview of the Holy Ideas
The Diamond Approach and the Holy Ideas
Basic Trust
Living Daylight
The Holding Environment
Loving Light and the Beast
The Real World
The Holy Ideas and Basic Trust
Orientation to the Holy Ideas
8. Holy Truth
5. Holy Omniscience – Transparency
2. Holy Will – Freedom
1. Holy Perfection
7. Holy Wisdom – Work – Plan
4. Holy Origin
9. Holy Love
6. Holy Strength – Faith
3. Holy Harmony – Law – Hope
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Holy Ideas as a Map of Reality
The Enneagram of Holy Ideas is a map or design to help you understand and attune yourself to reality. It is like a prism, separating out nine objective perspectives on reality with their nine deluded perspectives. The nine delusions of the ennea-types are simply different ways of expressing the same distorted point of view about reality—that of the structured part of the soul, the ego. Although your particular fixation gives your whole experience a specific flavor, you cannot have one delusion and not have the others since they are all intertwined and are simply nine different ways of expressing the same thing. In the system of the Enneagram, the ego is symbolized as a nine-headed dragon, meaning that although each fixation is a specific delusion, each is part of the same creature.
The quality of mirror-like awareness is what makes it possible to perceive objective reality. Working with, understanding, and realizing the Holy Ideas, brings us closer to that mirror-like awareness as the view of reality expands to include the whole of reality, rather than being oriented around the delusion of a separate sense of self. The view of objective reality of the Holy Ideas makes it possible for the soul to correct the distortions of perception that dominate the egoic view of the self and the world, thus clarifying the soul’s awareness, or “polishing the mirror” of the soul. The clear awareness of the human soul, then, perceives the objective view of the patterns of creation with an understanding of the place of the human being in this creation. This understanding awakens the soul to its own unfolding as the expression of Being, and its own participation in the greater pattern of unfolding whose nature is wholeness, dynamism, intelligence, and openness.
In this 11-module course, Sandra Maitri and Russ Hudson will synthesize decades of Enneagram knowledge and teaching experience with a lifetime of Diamond Approach spiritual development and methodology to help us reconnect to our essential being through the Enneagram. Click Here for Access
In this course, we will explore how the particular ‘take’ on reality at the core of each of the nine types begins and the belief structures, emotional patterns, and behaviors that result. Click Here for Access