Holy Will

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Ichazo’s definition of Holy Will is: “The awareness that Reality, moving with direction and according to fixed natural laws, flows with a certain force. The easiest way to deal with this force is to move with it. This is true freedom.” By “fixed natural laws,” we understand Ichazo to mean that there are patterns to how things happen. For example, if you react to your experience, you get disconnected from your Being. We take this understanding a little further, saying that if you really surrender to the Holy Will, you will realize that you are actually part of this force of the flow of reality. It is not, then, a matter of flowing with it, but rather of realizing that there is no separation, that it is all one unfoldment. You also see that the unfoldment is not just the changes in the universe, like the sun rising and setting, rain coming and going, people moving from one place to another. The unfoldment is much deeper than that; the existence of the earth itself is part of the unfoldment, part of the creativity of reality. You see that your existence is part of the creativity. It is not that there are little changes within a static universe, but that the universe itself acts by the whole thing shifting. – A. H. Almaas, Facets of Unity: The Enneagram of Holy Ideas, Ch. 13

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