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To be real, we need to put ourselves on the line, to take the necessary risks. We need to decide that we’re going to be real even if it means everyone we know will abandon us. We’re going to be real even if it means we won’t eat for days. We’re going to be real even if it means we’re going to get sick. If we don’t take that kind of risk, we’re just not going to be real. How else could it be? If we don’t feel that our truth and our integrity are valuable, then we won’t take that risk. We will remain a shell, a hypocrite pretending to seek the truth. How will we find rest if we know we’re a coward who prefers a little bit of comfort to the integrity of who we are? We can’t lie to ourselves about these things. – Diamond Heart Book Five: Inexhaustible Mystery, ch. 8

It is not only that there is a spiritual world parallel to the physical world. It is not only a question of parallel universes or two worlds that sometimes cross in our experience. There is ultimately only one. They are actually never separate; they seem separate only because our mind sees them that way. And because our mind sees them as separate, we have two loves. But at the very depth of our heart, we love reality. We love the real, and the real is the unity of the outer and the inner, of your body and your soul, of the world and God, of the ordinary universe and the spiritual universe. These are like the front and the back of the same reality. This world is nothing but the front of reality. The spirit is the back of this reality. And you can’t take the back away from the front. It doesn’t work, for the front will always have a back, which is the spiritual nature. – The Power of Divine Eros: The Illuminating Force of Love in Everyday Life, Ch. 3

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