Exploring the depth of reality.
The Diamond Approach helps us explore the structure of reality, both inner and outer. The inner truth of reality is called ‘true nature,’ which is the ultimate and real nature of the universe and all beings. True nature is what matters most when it comes to spiritual transformation. It is the single most important element for the evolution of consciousness. True nature manifests five basic dimensions, all infinite, boundless, and co-emergent with each other.
- The dimension of absolute emptiness is responsible for space arising in both inner and outer perception.
- The dimension of the logos, which is the dynamic dimension underlying all change, movement, and transformation, is responsible for our activities and functionality.
- The dimension of pure nonconceptual awareness, the clear light responsible for our capacity for perception.
- The dimension of pure presence, where being and the knowing of being are the same thing, is responsible for our capacity for discriminating knowing.
- The dimension of pure universal love, where presence is sweet and appreciative, is responsible for creating felt qualities and affect.

What is boundlessness?
Boundlessness refers to the complete transcendence of individual human experience. It is a state with no separate entities, human or divine. This concept is often associated with understanding the divine or supreme presence and boundless dimensions. It implies a complete transcendence of individual human experience, where one’s identity shifts from personality to essence, and experiences of ego death occur. Boundlessness is characterized by the dissolution of personal boundaries and the experience of timelessness, not doing innocence and purity.
In the context of the boundless dimensions of Being, our relationship to time and space changes. This is the entry into the classic or standard mystical experience. One characteristic of experiencing the boundlessness of true nature, especially when we are realized it, is that our center of gravity moves into the vastness, and we begin to perceive things from that place. The recognition, then, is that everything is included in that expanse of vastness because everything is a manifestation of it. It feels like a unified totality.
In the boundlessness of divine love, consciousness or presence is everywhere. This does not mean rejecting the physical and not taking care of it. We want to know our physical reality and body as deeply as possible. As we go deeper, we see that physical reality is rooted in what holds it all, which awakens the longing for liberation and release in our soul.
True nature is also the basis of all spiritual qualities known to humanity, which make us human and make it possible to develop spiritually. Each ‘essential quality’ appears in a differentiated form necessary for the life of the soul and the development of human consciousness. These aspects include truth, clarity, spaciousness, intelligence, existence, will, strength, joy, peace, value, love, personhood, identity, and many more.

The human consciousness is an individualization of the logos that embodies both true nature and the dimensions of energy and matter. We refer to the individual consciousness as the soul. The soul is an organism of consciousness, where the creative dynamism of the logos appears in an individuated field as a growing and learning person. The consciousness perceives the matrix or field where all experience takes place.
As an ego-self, the soul is unaware of its true nature. Its experience of itself is largely patterned by mental structures created in the past. By being aware of one’s ego states, and inquiring into them in an open and open-ended manner, the soul can begin to see these states for what they are – limitations, structures, and patterns from the past which occlude the transcendental nature of reality right in front of us.
Open and open-ended inquiry is a central practice in the Diamond Approach. Inquiry is a particular application of a manifestation of true nature that functions as inner guidance. This guidance also leads the soul to direct experiential knowledge and understanding. The inquiry process becomes a path of freedom and inner realization, leading to a deeper and more comprehensive realization of true nature.
The open-ended methodology of the Diamond Approach allows us to explore reality as a whole – ego structures, essential structures and the structures of the universe. This inquiry synthesizes modern psychological knowledge with meditation practices and attitudes, for the essential manifestation that guides this inquiry has the capacity to simultaneously utilize the knowledge of time and that of timelessness.
1. What is the Diamond Approach? The Diamond Approach is a spiritual path that helps us explore the structure of reality, both inner and outer. It focuses on ‘true nature,’ the ultimate and real nature of the universe and all beings. This approach is considered the most important element for the evolution of consciousness.
2. What are the five basic dimensions of true nature? True nature manifests five basic dimensions, all infinite, boundless, and co-emergent with each other. These include the dimension of absolute emptiness, the dimension of the logos, the dimension of pure nonconceptual awareness, the dimension of pure presence, and the dimension of pure universal love.
3. What is boundlessness in the context of the Diamond Approach? Boundlessness refers to the complete transcendence of individual human experience. It is a state with no separate entities, human or divine. This concept is often associated with the understanding of the divine or supreme presence and boundless dimensions.
4. What are the ‘essential qualities’ in the Diamond Approach? The ‘essential qualities’ are the basis of all spiritual qualities known to humanity, qualities that make us human and make it possible to develop spiritually. These aspects include truth, clarity, spaciousness, intelligence, existence, will, strength, joy, peace, value, love, personhood, identity, and many more.
5. What is the role of the soul in the Diamond Approach? The soul is an individual consciousness, an organism of consciousness, where the creative dynamism of the logos appears in an individuated field as a growing and learning person. It is the consciousness that perceives the matrix or field where all experience takes place.
6. What is the practice of open and open-ended inquiry in the Diamond Approach? Open and open-ended inquiry is a central practice in the Diamond Approach. Inquiry is a particular application of a manifestation of true nature that functions as inner guidance. This guidance also leads the soul to direct experiential knowledge and understanding. The inquiry process becomes a path of freedom and inner realization, leading to a deeper and more comprehensive realization of true nature.