A Journey into the Transformative Power of Love
I have been blessed and supported by the Diamond Approach® in awakening to the radiance of love. This spiritual path has opened my heart to the realization that love is not merely an emotion but an essential quality of being. Through Divine Love, Essential Love, and the Ultimate Beloved teachings, I know love as a boundless, ever-present force that permeates all existence. The Diamond Approach has guided me in integrating this profound understanding into my daily life, deepening my journey of the heart.
Podcast Discussion
Your beauty is the sheen on velvet
That jewels dance upon,
Is the luminosity of the night sky
That the moon throws her silver mystique across.
There is an exquisite delicacy and refinement in you,
A rarefied atmosphere leaving one breathless,
Intimacy upon intimacy, emptiness within emptiness.
In this world of the coarse and vulgar,
It’s difficult to orient to a treasure of such sensitivity,
Being in the body is a majestic task.
Your body was created out of perfection,
Uniquely for you.
It is fine-tuned for the treasure of the soul.
Being in the body is as simple as this:
Hold a baby, kiss your lover’s lips, smell a rose.
O! Love
Witness the wonder as the soul’s treasure
Rises through the body to cross into this world
And dance with itself.
O! The delight, the weeping radiance of ecstasy,
As the treasure of You blesses us all.
John Harper

This poem speaks to a profound awakening that touched the deepest parts of my heart, mind, and soul. The words emerged from a deep reverence for the power and beauty of love, a force I had seen as both transformative and transcendent.
Love transforms one into what one loves.
Mechthild of Magdeburg (13th-century mystic)
Love had peeled away layers of my defenses, leaving me vulnerable yet passionately strong. I was in awe of love’s capacity to refine and elevate the human spirit, like a delicate hand polishing the rough edges of a gem until it shines with an inner light. Love moves through us, reshaping us into something more exquisite, more aligned with the truth of who we are.
First, I speak of beauty—not the superficial kind, but an intrinsic beauty radiating from within, making everything it touches luminous. This beauty is the sheen on velvet, the moon’s silver mystique, something almost otherworldly that love brings into our lives.

Love is an emotion and an atmosphere, a rarefied air that leaves one breathless. It is intimacy upon intimacy, emptiness within emptiness—a paradox that only love embodies. Love refines the soul.
Our world is often coarse, vulgar, and hard to navigate from love’s first blush. Yet, embodying love is a majestic task, a treasure to be cherished.
The human body is sacred, finely tuned to hold the soul’s treasure. There is a deep gratitude for this vessel that carries us through life, for the unique perfection of each body, designed to house the soul’s treasure.
Being in the body, being present in the experience of love, can be as simple as holding a baby, touching a lover’s lips, or smelling a rose. These are the moments when the soul’s treasure rises to the surface and crosses into this world, where it can dance with itself in pure delight.
The rose is without ‘why’; it blooms because it blooms. It cares not for itself, asks not if it’s seen.
Angelus Silesius (17th-century mystic poet):
Ecstasy accompanies awakening. The delight, the weeping, and the radiance are all expressions of the soul’s joy as it realizes its treasure and blesses the world simply by being. The transformative power of love is a force that changes us and blesses everyone we encounter.
This reflection celebrates love’s power to transform, awaken, and illuminate every aspect of our being.