Illuminating Prejudice and Bias

The Origin of Prejudice and Bias

The Diamond Approach offers a beacon of enlightenment in a world where prejudice and bias often lurk in the shadows of our subconscious. Delve into the profound exploration of how these biases are formed and, more importantly, how they can be illuminated and transformed. This introspective journey challenges the very fabric of our societal conditioning, urging us to question, reflect, and ultimately, let the light of understanding shine through.

No soul enters this world with prejudice, bias, or religious belief. Even if one subscribes to reincarnation, 99.9999999999% of souls incarnating are not bringing with them indoctrination into any particular religion. One might argue that the soul is choosing the parents so it will be conditioned in a particular way. Still, I think this is more rationalization and justification on the part of the programmers than the one conditioned.

Personal Reflections vs. Ridhwan School’s Stance

If we argue that the soul chooses its parents for programming, then we might as well say that all the victims of rape, family abuse, #metoo, and every other form of violation have opted-in for trauma and exploitation. And if that’s the case – why bother with justice, right action, truth, integrity, and simple human decency?

The Ridhwan School’s Commitment to Addressing Bias

The Ridhwan School and groups of teachers and students are actively engaged in bringing more awareness and openness to issues of diversity, racism, and gender. The central focus is to inquire into implicit and cognitive bias – how we have been conditioned and skewed by our early environment, society, and education system.

Like all of our work in the Diamond Approach, this work is based on open and open-ended inquiry – without judgment. The intention is to let the light in, to bring into awareness unconscious attitudes, beliefs, and forces that limit or harm us and others.

The Diamond Approach: Seeking Bias Transcendence in Daily Life

In the Diamond Approach transcendence and freedom are sought not to be above the fray, but to be in the world, integrating one’s realization into daily living.

Personal Awakening: The Impact of “Seeing White” on NPR

My moment of shock and awe was catching a segment of Seeing White on NPR – which led me to listen to the entire series – a real awakening!

I continue listening to podcasts, watching videos, and following events to keep widening the crack for the light to get in.

Bias Insights

What’s it like to grow up within a group of people who exult in demonizing … everyone else? Megan Phelps-Roper shares details of life inside America’s most controversial church and describes how conversations on Twitter were key to her decision to leave it. In this extraordinary talk, she shares her experience of extreme polarization and some sharp ways we can learn to engage across ideological lines successfully.

We all want to be safe, and our safety is intertwined, says Tracie Keesee, cofounder of the Center for Policing Equity. Sharing lessons she’s learned from 25 years as a police officer, Keesee reflects on the public safety challenges faced by both the police and local neighborhoods, especially in the African American community, and the opportunities we all have to preserve dignity and guarantee justice. “We must move forward together. There’s no more us versus them,” Keesee says.

Here’s hoping for bigger cracks for all the children of light.

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