Unified Field

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Imagine you are a fluid, like mercury. Imagine that each atom of this mercury is acutely sensing itself, conscious of itself. Each atom is a ball of excitation, and this excitation is identical with the awareness of this excitation. This excitation, which is awareness of the excitation, is pervasive in the whole fluid. Now imagine that each of these atoms is composed of smaller particles, each of which is an excitation that is identical with the awareness of this excitation. Imagine that there is no empty space between these particles; so it is a medium that completely occupies space. Imagine now that each of these smaller particles is composed again of smaller and more elementary particles, again completely occupying the space. Keep imagining these particles to be smaller and smaller, but imagine that the excitation does not change in intensity, but continues to be a soft and soothing sensation. The size of the particles keeps getting smaller until we arrive at the limit of size, zero, but now it is still an excitation that is identical with the awareness of the excitation. As we arrive at the absolute level we arrive at the true notion of field, a medium that is composed of no parts, no particles. Yet it is a field of excitation, a field of sensitivity, aware of itself as a field of excitation. It is a field of a smooth and soft medium, smooth and soft because the particles are of zero size, but a field conscious of itself throughout its region. It is not conscious of itself in the sense of one region being aware of another region. No, it is conscious of itself at each point of its region, at all points of this region, homogeneously and continuously. – The Inner Journey Home: Soul’s Realization of the Unity of Reality, Ch. 3

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