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The kind of determination that is important for inquiry is not like a bulldozer that pushes through regardless of the situation. We call that “iron will,” which is a false, reactive substitute for real will. Our ego uses iron or false will to make things happen when it is out of touch with the will of the truth. The determination needed in inquiry, on the other hand, is responsive and has a sense of appropriateness and subtlety. As an expression of the White or Silver diamond of Essence, it is precise and intelligent. It is also flexible, manifesting in accordance with the requirements of the situation. The determination of essential Will can become firm, dense, and solid, or it can be fluid and flexible. Sometimes it’s powerful, and at other times it’s delicate and light.

There is no need to fight with the content of inquiry by pushing on it or through it. The true function of the Will is to help us become steadfast so that we are not swayed, and not distracted or seduced away from the inquiry. We keep on exploring regardless of what happens. Keeping on doesn’t mean that you have to push; sometimes it can be very gentle and delicate. Steadfastness is mostly a matter of simply being there with your experience, being aware of what is going on, remaining interested in the truth, and continuing to explore whatever limits your openness. – A. H. Almaas, Spacecruiser Inquiry: True Guidance for the Inner Journey, Ch. 19

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