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In other words, your taking responsibility for your realization is true nature intensifying its practice to reveal its enlightenment. They are not two things. Divine grace and your responsibility are not two things. You taking responsibility for your realization is grace. The fact that you have capacities is also grace. The fact that you practice is grace. There is no dichotomy between your practice and grace. Your practice is grace. Your practice is always already Living Being appearing in your consciousness as the enlightenment drive—as the motivation, as the capacity, as the sincerity, as the commitment, as the clarity, as the emptiness, as the radiance, as the luminosity, and as the enlightenment. – Runaway Realization: Living a Life of Ceaseless Discovery, ch. 10

This does not mean that you have no responsibility. You have complete responsibility. But how you understand responsibility is the product of the mind you’ve always had. All of that is the flow of the pattern. So it’s a matter of looking at things linearly in terms of time or looking at things instantaneously in terms of now. If you perceive things in terms of linear time, you will see the past. If you perceive things instantaneously, you will see the Absolute. So you could observe yourself reflecting on your experience. You could observe your mind, basing one idea on another, thinking one thought after another, constructing a sequence that is held in the memory as the passage of time. If you observe that activity closely, you realize that there isn’t really a sequence. The sequence is only in imagination. In reality there is only what exists at that very second. If you look at your thoughts in your mind and are aware that the sequence appears only because of memory and time, your mind will immediately go. Your mind will flicker out like a flame. And when the mind stops, that is true peace. No one is hassling you. – Diamond Heart Book Five: Inexhaustible Mystery, ch.11

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