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The world is like a magic show—you manifest whatever you have inside you. If you have suffering, you will manifest suffering, and if you have happiness, you will manifest that happiness and the world will be a happy place for you. If you have fear and hatred, you will manifest these things. The world is like your dream life; it is as simple as that. Your dream life is very dependent on your mind; it is not God who determines your dream life. No one else is coercing you to dream one way or another. Your dreams are an expression of who you are; there is a whole universe going on in your dreams. – Diamond Heart Book Four: Indestructible Innocence, Ch. 2

We see the same thing in our collective world—all of us together are creating all kinds of things, but the major part of what we see in life and how we see it, has to do with mind and with what we take ourselves to be. You might complain for years about not having a boyfriend or a girlfriend. You might work hard until at some point there is a slight shift in some issue that releases as you understand a part of yourself. Then suddenly, a boyfriend or girlfriend seems to arise out of nowhere, as if by magic. It is as if there was a resistance inside you, a part that didn’t want to have a boyfriend or girlfriend. It could be the same story with anything—a satisfying job, enough money— all the things most people are searching for. You might be looking for a meaningful job, you might work on lots of conflicts, self-images and issues about it but nothing happens; but when you are deeply ready inside, it happens as if by magic. I have had this phenomenon reported to me hundreds of times. It might be the least likely thing in the world, but if you wholeheartedly want it, it manifests as if by magic. – A. H. Almaas, Diamond Heart Book Four: Indestructible Innocence, Ch. 2

appearance, mystery
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