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Imagine the kind and intensity of love possible here. Love is the appreciative attraction between two forms of manifestation because of the pull of their true nature, which is one nature. The fact that it is one nature makes us feel this appreciative gravitational pull toward others. The pull is simply the indirect experience of the underlying unity, felt through the veil of varied manifestations. Now, since this nature has no extension, and no distance, imagine the amazing gravitational pull it exerts on two beings who are in touch with this nondimensional truth. They perceive spatial distance between them, but feel no distance at all. It is the most pure, the most intense, the most ecstatic, and the deepest possible love. It is the gravitational pull to be one point, a point of nonbeing. It is the appreciative and ecstatically transporting attraction that wants to dissolve all barriers to such singular unity. It is the attraction-desire to completely melt into each other, to melt together into complete nonbeing. – The Inner Journey Home: Soul’s Realization of the Unity of Reality, ch. 21

Love is an existence, not a reaction, not an activity. It is not a thought, or an emotion. Is is as substantial, as real as essence is, because it is essence. You cannot have love because you are love. Whenever you feel you have love, there is a contradiction. What is happening is that the “I,” the ego, is saying, “I have essence.” The Mastercard is saying, “I have a person.” It’s a credit card walking around saying, “I own this guy.” That’s what we mean when we say, “I have love.” It’s really the other way around. Your beingness has a tag – Diamond Heart Book Two: The Freedom to Be, ch.10

To really see that love is beingness, is-ness, is not easy. You cannot understand it intellectually. The way to understand it is to experience it, to taste it, to be it. You will be able to understand its qualities only when you experience it. Love is not an idea or a concept. If you’ve never seen a coconut, never tasted a coconut, someone could explain to you the taste of a coconut forever, but you would never really know what coconut tastes like. – Diamond Heart Book Five: The Freedom to Be, Ch. 10

The most basic thing about love is that love is beingness, essence, existence. When you experience love as a movement, a reaction, an emotion, a fantasy, an action, an idea—it is not love. Love can bring these things about, but love is more basic and more profound than any reaction. Your nature is not your identity tag. It is you, who you are. When love is there, then who you are is love.

I don’t feel I love this, and this and this. That is not accurate. I feel I am love. Love is not something I have that I give to someone. Love is me. And love is more me than my body, more me than my feelings, more me than my thoughts. Love expresses itself through my body, my thoughts, my expressions, my actions. All these things are the outer wrappings for love. Love itself is something that is more me, more intimately me, more intimately my nature than any of those factors. – Diamond Heart Book Two: The Freedom to Be, Ch. 10

Love is the most real thing that many people ever experience. It is usually called to mind as a distant memory, and then it becomes what we call emotional love. But even in the experience of emotional love, we can tell when we like somebody or we don’t like somebody. There remains a knowing of some kind. Something happens in the heart. And our body language shows it. One can become more held in and held back when the energetic contraction of dislike exhibits itself. You can notice that the chest is more caved in or protected. In contrast, liking and loving offer up more and more generous movement and openness. As you lean slightly toward another, perhaps the chest softens and the arms release their protective armor. A softer heart and a less defended posture are attributes of love coming through our physical expression. There is a natural moving toward, in every way. And almost a glowing. – A. H. Almaas and Karen Johnson, The Power of Divine Eros: The Illuminating Force of Love in Everyday Life, Ch. 2

As long as you believe you are a separate person with boundaries, with the attitude of getting things and protecting your self, you will block love. Love destroys boundaries. Love has nothing to do with you or me. Love is just the activity of that creativity in that openness. Love is the outcome of non-restriction, of freedom. When the body and the mind are not restricted by that point of view, the harmony of the body and the mind will be expressed in a lovingness, an abundance. The natural movement of our being is to be in love. The expression of that freedom is love, goodness, sweetness, contentment. When there is no point of view, there is complete and real love. When love is present, there is no movement toward getting or protecting. Your body exists as a channel for that flow of love. Love will flow by itself. The openness and the love flowing through it will allow everything to happen the best way it can happen. – A. H. Almaas, Diamond Heart Book Two: The Freedom to Be, pg. 144

In the real love situation, all the windows are opened—there are no protections, no attempt at protection, there is no holding back. It is not a question of being fully present; you’re so present that you’re gone. You are just a sweetness. The windows and the doors are so opened that there is no you and other. There is just one; the one is sweetness, love and appreciation. There’s a playfulness; two hearts are singing in one voice. – A. H. Almaas, Diamond Heart Book Two: The Freedom to Be, Ch. 11

What we call love is the same as consciousness, but it is experienced in the heart rather than in the mind, in the chest rather than in the head. It is also the same thing as will, which is experienced in the belly. Essential presence in the mind is often felt as a diamond, and in the heart is often experienced as a pearl. It is the same consciousness, seen from an objective, clear conscious level or from a personal heart level. If it is perceived at a universal, objective level it is seen as diamond consciousness. In the heart it becomes personal presence, the pearl beyond price, and rather than being seen as consciousness it will be seen as love. – A. H. Almaas, Diamond Heart Book Two: The Freedom to Be, Ch. 2

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