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Our world loses dynamism and becomes more mechanical, and we become more mechanical. We are not just living in our minds, we are living our minds. We are not just living in the past, we are living the past. We are living the person we became as a child. We are living our parents’ daughter or son. We are living our idea of being a human being. We are not living in a house, we are living in our idea of a house. To be more precise, we are living the idea of a person living in the idea of a house. Our idea of a person is driving our idea of a car through our idea of city streets. The world we live in is old and dead. The freshness, the vitality, the spark is gone, because whenever you see something, you see it through the filter of a concept, and it has to fit a concept that you already know. So you never see it in its freshness. You look at the rug, and see red, blue and green already fixed. You already know what a rug is, you already know what red is, and what blue is. Nothing is new, these are just different arrangements. The more things are known, the more they are set, the more they lose the freshness, the dynamism, the brightness, the living quality. – Diamond Heart Book Four: Indestructible Innocence, ch. 12

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