Introduces the complete spectrum of the Diamond Approach

The Diamond Approach has been developed and taught over the last forty years by Hameed Ali (known chiefly by his pen name, A. H. Almaas), who is widely recognized as a leader in the integration of spirituality and psychology.
This book, the first to offer a full overview of the Diamond Approach, is now revised and expanded with a new foreword by Almaas, a new preface by the author, and a new chapter that explores the most recent developments in Almaas’s teaching and practice methods. Author John Davis offers a rich, compelling introduction to the unique spiritual tradition that philosopher Ken Wilber recommends as “the most balanced of the widely available spiritual psychologies/therapies.” Influenced by ancient traditions such as Sufism and Buddhism as well as by modern psychology, the Diamond Approach is particularly well-suited to twenty-first-century seekers who embrace both spirituality and science. Beginning with an account of his own work with the Diamond Approach, Davis proceeds to outline the tradition’s central practice of Inquiry, a form of open-ended exploration of present-moment experience akin to mindfulness practice. From there, he launches readers into an exploration of metaphysical concepts such as soul, space, Essence, self-realization, and the dimensions of Being. Complex yet concise, profound yet accessible, The Diamond Approach offers readers bold new perspectives on reality and human potential.
The Diamond Approach is both an understanding of our deepest human nature and a path to realizing and developing our fullest potential. With a precise method for inner work, it incorporates spiritual wisdom and psychological insights to offer effective practices for self-realization, spiritual maturity, and inner freedom. Above all, it encourages us to live our realizations in our everyday lives. Through this work, we find ourselves returning to the depth of our true nature and growing in a process of ongoing evolution.
Most of all, the Diamond Approach is a path for living as real, fulfilled, free, and mature human beings in the world. This maturity and realization shows up in a simple wakefulness, richer relationships, a more welcoming attitude toward our experience, and well-rounded, authentic presence. – John Davis
What others Say About the Diamond Approach
“I myself can recommend the Diamond Approach as probably the most balanced of the widely available spiritual psychologies/therapies.” — Ken Wilber
“The work of A. H. Almaas places him among the greatest psychologists alive today. His brilliant vision of the human psyche embraces our Being from early development to the highest realms of spirit. From this he then offers a new language and direct approach for awakening to this manifold nature.” — Jack Kornfield, author of A Path with Heart and coauthor of Seeking the Heart of Wisdom
“This is the first book to bring the main ideas of the Diamond Approach together in one place. That makes it an invaluable resource for every serious student of consciousness and psychology. The surprise is that this resource is delectable, a juicy morsel that engages the mind and the heart of the reader. It’s at the top of my list for recommended reading this year.” — Sherry Ruth Anderson, coauthor of The Feminine Face of God and The Cultural Creatives
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Content Sections
ONE — The Orientation of the Diamond Approach
TWO — The Method of Inquiry
THREE — The Soul
FOUR — Space
FIVE — Essence
SIX — The Theory of Holes: Abandoning and Recovering Essence
SEVEN — The Personal Essence: The Pearl beyond Price
EIGHT —Self-Realization and Essential Identity: Self-Realization
NINE — True Nature and the Boundless Dimensions
TEN — The Four Turnings and the View of Totality